ebXML Collaboration Protocol Profile and Agreement (CPP and CPA)

The ebXML Collaboration Protocol Profile and Agreement (CPP and CPA) OASIS Standard provides definitions for the sets of information used in business collaborations. One set of information (the Profile) contains data about the business partners' technical capabilities to engage in electronic business collaborations with other partners. The second set of information (the Agreement) contains data that has been agreed to configure the public, shared aspects of the exchange protocols used in the business collaboration.

Enterprises define their ebXML CPP profiles to describe the details of each business collaborations that they can support and execute. The CPP is created by each enterprise and it must be validated with related ebXML Schema. A profile CPP describes:

  • Party Information;
  • Information related the supported ebBPs;
  • Channel(s), to send and receive documents;
  • Security parameters;
  • Document envelope packaging.

Each CPP refers to one o more ebBP by URI. Enterprises A and B come to an agreement on business collaboration. The agreement is the result of a matching process on two CPP and it is formally represented in an ebXML CPA (Collaboration Protocol Agreement).
The relationship between CPA and Process-Specification Document is same for CPP. That is, some URI under the ProcessSpecification element and the Role element points to suitable position of ebBP.
The CPA contains all the features of the information exchange; it can be used, for example, like a configuration file for ebXML Business Service Interface software (enterprise front-end).


Developed for LISEA Laboratory