Textile/Clothing Upstream (v.2008-1)

Activities for theProcess "Knitwear subcontracted manufacturing"

Activity Name "Knitting and assembling"

Activity Name Knitting and assembling
Actors Knittwear Producer, Knittwear Subcontractor
Description Activity concering the production process for the knitwear; the main steps of the process are knitting, cutting, assembling.
Full Technical Documentationwww.ebiz.enea.it / Knitting and assembling

Activity Name "Knitwear finishing"

Activity Name Knitwear finishing
Actors Knittwear Producer, Knittwear Subcontractor
Description Activity concerning the final processing of knitwear (washing, shrinking, ironing, labelling, ..)
Full Technical Documentationwww.ebiz.enea.it / Knitwear finishing