Textile/Clothing Upstream (v.2008-1)

Document "Garment Stock Offer Status"

Document NameGarment Stock Offer Status
DescriptionStatus of an on-line sales Offer of garment stock
Generalities and notes about the usage
The document is issued by the e-Stockflow Service Provider to respond to an Offer of garment stock or to notify the status of the Offer.
Each document line must refer to one line of a former "Stock Offer", of which is notified either the loading or the following development of the dealing

SourceeBIZ-TCU / Moda-ML
XML Schemahttp://www.moda-ml.net/moda-ml/repository/schema/v2008-1/GARStockStat.xsd
User Guidehttp://www.moda-ml.net/moda-ml/repository/guide/v2008-1/en/-eBIZ-GarmentStockOfferStatus.pdf
Full Technical Documentationwww.ebiz.enea.it / Garment Stock Offer Status