Textile/Clothing Upstream (v.2008-1)

Document "Piece control Order"

Document NamePiece control Order
DescriptionDocument sent by the Fabric Buyer to the Textile Controller to specify the type of inspection requested for the fabric piece (usually indicated by means of an "inspection code")
Generalities and notes about the usage
The document "Piece Control Orderr" is used by the Fabric Buyer to specify the type of inspection and accessory treatments requested for each fabric piece.
The Order can refer to one or more pieces and can be used either in conjunction with the "Textile Despatch Advise" (1 DA : 1 Order) or indipendently.
In the first instance the reference to the Despatch Advise must be given in the Header; in the second each piece can have at item level its reference to the document with which it was registered by the Controller.
Each line item refers to one fabric piece and indicates the inspection code and the ultimate receiver of the piece.

SourceeBIZ-TCU / Moda-ML
XML Schemahttp://www.moda-ml.net/moda-ml/repository/schema/v2008-1/TEXControlOrder.xsd
User Guidehttp://www.moda-ml.net/moda-ml/repository/guide/v2008-1/en/-eBIZ-PiececontrolOrder.pdf
Full Technical Documentationwww.ebiz.enea.it / Piece control Order