Textile/Clothing Upstream (v.2008-1)

Document "Textile Dyeing-Finishing Offer"

Document NameTextile Dyeing-Finishing Offer
DescriptionOffer from Subcontractor for the dyeing/finishing of fabric
Generalities and notes about the usage
The Offer is used by a Subcontractor to respond to the Request of a Fabric Manufacturer for the dyeing/finishing of a fabric.
The Offer is structured in four levels:
Macro-type of Work offered = document root (7 types of Request)
Product Family = document qualifier (type of product with reference to the manufacturing process; e.g.: combed yarn, jacquard weaved fabric, ..)
Product Specifications = "xxxSpecs" (technical characteristics and properties of the product)
Operations offered = "XXXMnfrOperation" (details of the works requested)
Quantities, unit measures and prices must be referred to the third level (Line Item)

SourceeBIZ-TCU / Moda-ML
XML Schemahttp://www.moda-ml.net/moda-ml/repository/schema/v2008-1/TEXDyFinOffer.xsd
User Guidehttp://www.moda-ml.net/moda-ml/repository/guide/v2008-1/en/-eBIZ-TextileDyeing-FinishingOffer.pdf
Full Technical Documentationwww.ebiz.enea.it / Textile Dyeing-Finishing Offer