Textile/Clothing Upstream (v.2008-1)

Document "Yarn in work Inventory report"

Document NameYarn in work Inventory report
DescriptionInventory report of yarn in work
Generalities and notes about the usage
The present document can be used by a Subcontractor to inform his Client (Commission issuer), periodically or on demand, about the quantity of pre-works or in-work Yarn items (Client's property) stocked at the Subcontractor's premises.
This inventory may refer to all the goods of one Commission issuer or just to those related to one Commission order; item quantities may be subdivided by type of stock and physical location.

SourceeBIZ-TCU / Moda-ML
XML Schemahttp://www.moda-ml.net/moda-ml/repository/schema/v2008-1/YARNWorkInv.xsd
User Guidehttp://www.moda-ml.net/moda-ml/repository/guide/v2008-1/en/OF077-026-eBIZ-YarninworkInventoryreport.pdf
Full Technical Documentationwww.ebiz.enea.it / Yarn in work Inventory report