Document "Fashion Catalogue"

Document NameFashion Catalogue
DescriptionTrade document containing the prices and the technical properties of the FASHION articles offered by the manufacturer
Generalities and notes about the usage
This document is usable as a catalog (showcase / offer) as well as to exchange in advance the product data between Suppliers and Customers, in order to allow the synchronization of the corresponding data-base. . Furthermore, a Producer can use it to publish is offer on ePlatforms.
It contains the items that compose the Fashion Manufacturer's offer (codes, descriptions, prices and terms of sale) and may include some technical-descriptive data of the product (trade name, composition, weight and height, …) as well as marketing information (images, verbose descriptions, …)

SourceeBIZ-TCU / Moda-ML
XML Schema
User Guide
Version Comparison
Full Technical / Fashion Catalogue