Document "Fashion Master Data"

Document NameFashion Master Data
DescriptionFashion Master Data is the document used by a party to provide the receiver with technical-logistic information about a product. It may regard raw materials, components or final goods.
Generalities and notes about the usage
The message can have various uses: for example it can be issued by the Supplier of goods to communicate the technical-logistical characteristics of an article that the Receiver will receive; otherwise it might be issued by the Brand to communicate the technical characteristics of an article to the Subcontractor that he will receive to transform or which he will have to produce.
The sender forwards this document when he has to feed a registry of the characteristics of the goods that will then be treated in some way (sold or stored or processed for example).
The main function of the message is to provide information of various kinds: logistics (dimensions, packaging, handling, stackability), commercial (category, line or group of products), technical (size, treatments, ..), operational ( eg CITES).
SourceeBIZ-TCU / Moda-ML
XML Schema
User Guide
Version Comparison
Full Technical / Fashion Master Data