Document "Textile Order Status Report"

Document NameTextile Order Status Report
DescriptionReport of the Order status of fabric (informs about the foreseen delivery date)
Generalities and notes about the usage
The message is issued by the Fabric Producer to report to his Client the status of his Orders and the updated delivery dates, with the possibility of splitting an order line into several consignements.
The message may concern all the articles ordered (TSType = H "historic"), all the articles ordered and not yet delivered (type = C "complete") or just the articles in the 'ready for shipment' status (type = S "for shipping"). Otherwise only articles that have changed their status (TSType=I).
The status report can be given for each article or for each Order line.

Thanks to TSType attribute, Textile Order Status can be used in two modes: 1) normal, status of all the goods in object (TSType=H, C, S) 2) incremental, only goods that changed their status (TSType=I)
SourceeBIZ-TCU / Moda-ML
XML Schema
User Guide
Version Comparison
Full Technical / Textile Order Status Report