Document "Textile Quality Report"

Document NameTextile Quality Report
DescriptionQuality report of the fabric piece (contains defects or non-conformances of the pieces, eventually the related bonuses)
Generalities and notes about the usage
The message is issued either by the Fabric Producer and/or by the Fabric Quality Controller as "quality certificate" of the fabric piece, mainly to anticipate the details on the existence, position and classification of faults in order to accelerate and improve the following apparel manufacturing.
Each document refers either to one piece of fabric, identified by its id. number (TQ type ="S"ingle) or to several pieces belonging to the same shipment (TQ type="M"ultiple) and likewise identified.

The following classes of data can be reported in the document:
- physical dimensions and overall allowance
- fabric faults and their positions
- test value of conformance to specifications and taylorability
- the reporting of the inspection.

SourceeBIZ-TCU / Moda-ML
XML Schema
User Guide
Version Comparison
Full Technical / Textile Quality Report