Textile/Clothing Upstream (v.2008-1)

Transactions for the Activity Name "Knitwear finishing"

Action 1 (from Knittwear Producer to Knittwear Subcontractor)
Action NameKnitting-Clothing Commission Order
DescriptionThe knitting-clothing commission order is used by the Knitwear Producer to commit to a Sub-contractor the finishing of knitwear or clothing articles
Action 2 (from Knittwear Producer to Knittwear Subcontractor)
Action NameGarment Despatch Advice
DescriptionThe message is issued to anticipate the details of the knitwear articles actually despatched to the subcontractor for the execution of the subcontracted operation
Action 3 (from Knittwear Subcontractor to Knittwear Producer)
Action NameReceiving Advice
DescriptionThe Receiving Advise can be used by the Receiver of goods (received for commissioned works) either to confirm the regular receipt of goods or to notify discrepancies between what was declared by the Sender and what was received and accepted.
Action 4 (from Knittwear Producer to Knittwear Subcontractor)
Action NameGeneral purpose request
DescriptionThis document is used by the Commissioner to request the status of its commission orders
Action 5 (from Knittwear Subcontractor to Knittwear Producer)
Action NameKnitting-Clothing Order Status
DescriptionThe message is issued by the Subcontractor to report to his Client the status of his Commission Orders and the updated delivery dates
Action 6 (from Knittwear Producer to Knittwear Subcontractor)
Action NameGarment Despatch Request
DescriptionThis message is a request issued by the Commissioner for delivery planning of the product commissioned
Action 7 (from Knittwear Subcontractor to Knittwear Producer)
Action NameGarment Despatch Advice
DescriptionThe message is issued by the Sub-contractor to anticipate the despatch of the articles finished under commissioned order
Action 8 (from Knittwear Subcontractor to Knittwear Producer)
Action NameTextile Invoice
DescriptionThis document allows the Sub-contractor to request payment for its works
Action 9 (from Knittwear Subcontractor to Knittwear Producer)
Action NameGarment in work Inventory report
DescriptionThis document can be used by a Subcontractor to inform his Client (Commission issuer), periodically or on demand, about the quantity of pre-works or in-work items (Client's property) stocked at the Subcontractor's premises.