Textile/Clothing Upstream (v.2008-1)

Transactions for the Activity Name "Subcontracted fabric dyeing-finishing"

Action 1 (from Fabric Producer to Dyeing/Finishing Sub-contractor)
Action NameTextile Dyeing-Finishing Request
DescriptionThis message is usable to request an offer for the dyeing-finishing of grey fabric
Action 2 (from Dyeing/Finishing Sub-contractor to Fabric Producer)
Action NameTextile Dyeing-Finishing Offer
DescriptionThis message is usable to make an offer for the dyeing-finishing of grey fabric
Action 3 (from Fabric Producer to Dyeing/Finishing Sub-contractor)
Action NameTextile Dyeing-Finishing Order
DescriptionThis message is usable to commission the dyeing-finishing of grey fabric
Action 4 (from Fabric Producer to Dyeing/Finishing Sub-contractor)
Action NameTextile Despatch advice
DescriptionThis message is usable to inform the Subcontractor about the grey fabric sent for dyeing-finishing
Action 5 (from Dyeing/Finishing Sub-contractor to Fabric Producer)
Action NameReceiving Advice
DescriptionThis message is usable to cerify to the Commissioner the receipt of the material sent for the commission (see preceding activity)
Action 6 (from Dyeing/Finishing Sub-contractor to Fabric Producer)
Action NameTextile Order status report
DescriptionThis message is usable to report to the Commissioner the progress of his commission orders
Action 7 (from Dyeing/Finishing Sub-contractor to Fabric Producer)
Action NameTextile Despatch advice
DescriptionThis message is usable to inform the Commissioner that the commissioned output product (fabric) is available
Action 8 (from Fabric Producer to Dyeing/Finishing Sub-contractor)
Action NameTextile Despatch Request
DescriptionThis message is usable to schedule the delivery of the commissioned output product (fabric) at the Commissioner's premises
Action 9 (from Dyeing/Finishing Sub-contractor to Fabric Producer)
Action NameTextile Despatch advice
DescriptionThis message is usable to inform the Commissioner that the commissioned output product (fabric) has been despatched
Action 10 (from Dyeing/Finishing Sub-contractor to Fabric Producer)
Action NameTextile in work Inventory report
DescriptionThis message is usable to certify to the Commissioner the Stock and WIP amount of his materials