Transactions for the Activity Name "Delivery of garment accessories"

Action 1 (from Garment Accessory Producer to Apparel Producer)
Action NameAccessory Despatch Advice
DescriptionThe message is issued to notify to the Apparel Producer that the garment accessories are available for despatch.This document enables the Buyer to plan the deliveries.
Action 2 (from Apparel Producer to Garment Accessory Producer)
Action NameAccessory Despatch Request
DescriptionThe message is issued to plan the delivery of the garment accessories.This document enables the Buyer to modify some date of its Order (delivery dates and places).
Action 3 (from Garment Accessory Producer to Apparel Producer)
Action NameAccessory Despatch Advice
DescriptionThe message is issued to anticipate the details the articles actually despatched.