Transactions for the Activity Name "Purchase of fabrics"

Action 1 (from Apparel Producer to Fabric Producer)
Action NameTextile Purchase Order
DescriptionThe message is issued by the Apparel Producer to purchase fabric articles.
Action 2 (from Fabric Producer to Apparel Producer)
Action NameTextile Order Response
DescriptionThe message is issued by the Fabric Producer in response to a purchase order. The Producer must, in any case, return an Order Response for any Order received, where, for each item, he notifies the acceptance as it is ©, the variation (V) or the cancellation (A).
Action 3 (from Apparel Producer to Fabric Producer)
Action NameTextile Order Change
DescriptionThe Apparel Producer sends to the Fabric Producer an Order Change any time he must modify some conditions of his previous Order (eg. to cancel items not delivered in time) or amend errors (eg. invalid prices).
Action 4 (from Fabric Producer to Apparel Producer)
Action NameTextile Order Status Report
DescriptionThe message is issued by the Fabric Producer to report to his Client the status of his Orders and the updated delivery dates, with the possibility of splitting an order line into several consignements.