Textile/Clothing/Footwear Downstream (v.2008-1)

Activities for theProcess "classical preorder"

Activity "Initial transfer of order and article data" [View diagram]

Activity NameInitial transfer of order and article data
DescriptionAfter the manual placement of the order in a showroom or on a fair the order data is provided for the retailer together with the article information of the ordered products.
Pre-conditionsThe order is manually placed in a showroom or at a fair. Only a print out of the order was given to the retailer. The data is available only in the system of the producer
Post-conditionsThe systems of producer and retailer are synchronized concerning the order data and the article information for the ordered products is available in the system of the retailer

Activity "Transfer of changes to the order" [View diagram]

Activity NameTransfer of changes to the order
DescriptionDuring the order period it happens that certain articles are canceled or the delivery date changes. To synchronize the systems this information is passed over to the retailer by a change order response
Pre-conditionsThe order is changed in the system of the producer. Both systems have different information.
Post-conditionsThe systems are synchronized again.

Activity "Finalizing of the order" [View diagram]

Activity NameFinalizing of the order
DescriptionAt the end of the order period the producer informs the retailer that no more changes are to be expected.
Pre-conditionsThe systems are synchronized but the order is not finally confirmed.
Post-conditionsThe order is confirmed.

Activity "Delivery" [View diagram]

Activity NameDelivery
DescriptionShortly after the arrival of the products from the production plants the deliveries are planned and performed. If some articles are supplanted by others, the retailer is missing the article data for those products. The despatch advice is sent in advance of the delivery and gives the retailer the chance to prepare for the arrival of the goods. With the receiving advice the information in both systems is again synchronized
Pre-conditionsThe producer has prepared the shipping of goods. Quantities and variances are known, if any
Post-conditionsProducer and retailer have the same information about the delivery

Activity "Invoicing" [View diagram]

Activity NameInvoicing
DescriptionAn invoice is send either on delivery or sales base.
Pre-conditionsIn a charge-on-delivery model the data for the invoice is prepared from the delivery or in a consignment/concession model from the sales reports.
Post-conditionsThe retailer knows what to pay

Activity "Report of sales data" [View diagram]

Activity NameReport of sales data
DescriptionAt the end of each sales day a sales report is sent for all sales locations of the retailer
Pre-conditionsAll sales data of all sales locations of the retailer are collected in the HQ
Post-conditionsThe sales information is available at the producer