Textile/Clothing/Footwear Downstream (v.2008-1)

Activities for theProcess "cyclic replenishment program - CRP"

Activity "Transfer of base article catalogue" [View diagram]

Activity NameTransfer of base article catalogue
DescriptionThe producer publishes the catalogue of his NOS and seasonal NOS articles to the retailer
Pre-conditionsThe producer has defined his NOS and seasonal NOS articles (articles which can be delivered inside 48 hours). The collection of these articles will be under maintenance in the future
Post-conditionsThe retailer has the base for his choice of products for cyclic (weekly) replenishment

Activity "Initial stocking of the area by retailer" [View diagram]

Activity NameInitial stocking of the area by retailer
DescriptionAt the beginning of the business cooperation or maybe of a season, if seasonal NOS products are the focus, the retailer orders his base stock and the products are delivered
Pre-conditionsThe retailer made his choice from the product catalogue and has decided on the initial quantities and replenishment scheme
Post-conditionsThe area is stocked with the initial quantities for all articles

Activity "Periodic (weekly) replenishment" [View diagram]

Activity NamePeriodic (weekly) replenishment
DescriptionEach period (every week) the system of the retailer calculates the quantities needed for the replenishment of the area. From the result an order is sent and the producer reacts with a direct delivery within 48 hours
Pre-conditionsThe retailer has calculated the demand for the next period.
Post-conditionsThe area is restocked.

Activity "Report of sales and inventory movements" [View diagram]

Activity NameReport of sales and inventory movements
DescriptionAt the end of each sales day a sales report is sent for all sales locations of the retailer.
Pre-conditionsAll sales data and inventory movements of all sales and maybe logistic locations of the retailer are collected in the HQ.
Post-conditionsThe sales and inventory movement information is available at the producer.

Activity "Invoicing" [View diagram]

Activity NameInvoicing
DescriptionAn invoice is send either on delivery or sales base.
Pre-conditionsIn a charge-on-delivery model the data for the invoice is prepared from the delivery or in a consignment/concession model from the sales reports.
Post-conditionsThe retailer knows what to pay

Activity "Synchronizing of stock information" [View diagram]

Activity NameSynchronizing of stock information
DescriptionIn a certain periodic scheme (each 1 to 3 month) the information about the actual stock is synchronized. At least once a year this happens together with a physical stock taking.
Pre-conditionsDifferences in the stock quantities between the retailers system and the shadow system at the producer occurred by quantities leaving the shop on non-official ways.
Post-conditionsThe information is again synchronized.

Activity "Changes to the article catalogue" [View diagram]

Activity NameChanges to the article catalogue
DescriptionOn the event of a change either inside an article belonging to the CRP catalogue or the relationship of an article towards the CRP catalogue this information is passed over to the retailer
Pre-conditionsThe article information either about an article itself or its belonging to the selection which is the base of the CRP catalog has changed at the producer.
Post-conditionsThe information about the CRP catalogue is up-to-date at the retailer.