Textile/Clothing/Footwear Downstream (v.2008-1)

Transactions for the Activity "Periodic replenishment"

Action 1(Request from Retailer to Producer)
Action NameOrder
Action DescriptionThe retailer sends an order from his system containing the demand for the next period.
Action 2(Response from Producer to Retailer)
Action NameChange order response
Action DescriptionThe changes to the order are transferred to the retailer's system
Action 3(Request from Producer to Retailer)
Action NameDespatch advice
Action DescriptionThe delivery is announced by the despatch advice with date, GTIN and quantity.
Action 4(Response from Retailer to Producer)
Action NameReceiving advice
Action DescriptionAfter goods receive the retailer reports back the products which arrived with the delivery announced in the despatch advice.