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Piero De Sabbata
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Phone +39 051 6098 322
Laboratory XLAB (UTT-PMI)
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CV In ENEA since 1986, after an activity related to expert systems applied to GIS and to material behviours, he has worked in many projects devoted to the definition of new technologies for interoperability and standard development in the context of the manufacture industry and enterprise networking.
Among others, he coordinated the European project Moda-ML for the development of a shared business language in the Textile/Clothing sector. He also coordinated the following CEN/ISSS standardisation workshops Tex-Spin and TexWeave, promoted by Euratex and CEN/ISSS.
In the LEAPFROG-IP project (2005-2009) he was the person in charge of the interoperability issues.
Since 2008 he coordinates the technical activities of the eBIZ-TCF project ('Harmonising eBusiness processes and data exchanges for SMEs in the textile/clothing and footwear sectors in the Single Market') to set the European interoperability architecture of the textile, clothing and footwear industry based on eBusiness standards (the project is coordinated by Euratex, with the participation of CEC - the two leading European industry associations of the sectors- and funded by DG Enterprise & Industry
He has been responsible for CROSS regional center (2005-2007) and since 2008 is the director of the regional laboratory LISEA (Laboratory for Industrial Innovation and Environmental and Energetic Sustainability) of Emilia Romagna, a laboratory addressed to meet industry with research.
Since 2008 is a founder member of the laboratory, Italian member of the European virtual research laboratory on interoperability
He is promoter of Moda-ML ( permanent initiative and of UBL-Italia ( an open initiative to foster adoption of UBL in Italy.
He is member of committees of CEN addressing eBusiness standardization (eBIF forum presently) and of OASIS UBL Technical Committee.

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