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Validatore eBIZ-TCF
abstract Uno strumento on-line per verificare la conformità dei documenti elettronici in eBIZ-TCF (Moda-ML, Shoenet, UBL eBIZ-TCF).
Descrizione Uno strumento per verificare la conformità dei documenti elettronici in eBIZ-TCF (Moda-ML, Shoenet, UBL eBIZ-TCF) usando XML Schema e Schematron.
The aim of this tool is to check the conformance of XML instances to the specification of eBIZ-TCF data models:

  • Upstream (textile clothing footwear) data models: the conformance test is based on reference XML Schema (Moda-ML and Shoenet).

  • Downstream data models: the conformance test is based on two stages of validation:
    • validation against generic UBL 2.0 specifications (XSDs)

    • validation against the use profile of eBIZ-TCF (using customised XSDs and co-constraints)

Laboratorio XLAB (UTT-PMI)
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