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Metodologie di sviluppo e caratterizzazione di materiali e soluzioni tecnologiche innovative per la realizzazione di superfici ad alta riflettanza solare
abstract At DIMeC analyses were started a few years ago on the control of solar gains through the adoption of surface coverings with high solar reflectance, the cool colors, carried out with theoretical and experimental means.
Description At DIMeC analyses were started a few years ago on the control of solar gains through the adoption of surface coverings with high solar reflectance, the cool colors, carried out with theoretical and experimental means. Such analyses are currently supported by a specific laboratory, the EELab (Energy Efficiency Laboratory), with instrumentation is that meets the most advanced standards of measurement. The skills and equipment resources that have already been acquired allowed to establish technical collaboration with several companies, aiming at developing innovative materials and components for the building industry. Innovative materials with high solar reflectance are under development.
Keywords Cool roof, cool color, solar reflectance, thermal emittance
/lisealab/images/risultati/img unimore.jpg
Laboratory UNIMORE-DIMeC
Topic Energy
Code 1
Direct LISEA result Falso

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