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Research Unit

Research unit

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Laboratory long name Istituto per la Microelettronica e i Microsistemi
Department Istituto per la Microelettronica e i Microsistemi    CNR
Unit Responsible Caterina Summonte
Papers link to the web page of papers
Training and Study Disponibili tesi di laurea specialistica
Address Via P. Godetti, 101
ZIP 40129
Town Bologna Prov. BO
Country Italy
Partnership in Projects
Acronym Abstract url_reference start_date
LISEA LISEA, regional research laboratory, constitued in(...) 01/10/2008
ERG Il 'Laboratorio Energia' - ERG - nasce da una fort(...)

Researchers, Contact persons
Outcomes and delverables
Title Abstract Keywords WEB Page Link
Tecnologia per la fabbricazione di celle solari a eterogiunzione su substrati in siliciomulticristallino The techology is based on low temperature plasma deposition. The activity within the network of LISEA is aimed at the fine tuning of the fabrication steps, with attention to the specific substrate. Heterojunction solar cells; Photovoltaics

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