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Partner RSE
Legal name RSE (Ricerca sul Sistema Elettrico) S.p.A
Type research
Description RSE S.p.A. is the new company's name of ERSE, formerly CESI RICERCA.

CESI RICERCA S.p.A. was established at the end of 2005 and has been operating since 1st January 2006 with the mission to develop research activities funded at the national and international level in the electricity and energy field. RSE is a publicly-controlled Company and this guarantees that the objectives of RSE are in agreement with the Country's energy strategy and the needs of the operators of the electricity sector.

The mission of RSE is to develop research projects of general interest to the national electricity system, focusing on applied research and with a system-oriented approach. The activity is aimed at innovating and improving the performance of the system from the point of view of economics, safety and environmental compatibility. Other major purposes are a wide activity of dissemination of the results, and the in-depth discussion of electro-energetic and environmental issues.
country ITALIA
Approved Vero
InsertedBy 1049/MODA-ML_/De Sabbata
InsertionDate 21/04/2009
UpdatedBy 1049/MODA-ML_/De Sabbata
LastUpdate 10/09/2010

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