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Case history overview

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Case history overview

(full text in Italian only)

The case histories are related to different models and technologies for the supply chain management (Integration service provisioning, data exchange HUBs, Company portal, Direct P2P exchange). To each web page there is a downloadable more detailed report, the main part of them was produced by ENEA for Innovazione Italia in the framework of the 'DDTA - Distretti digitali a supporto della filiera Tessile e Abbigliamento nel Mezzogiorno' project(Delibera CIPE 17-2003).

Consorzio DAFNE

EDI Tecnology, pharmaceutical industry.


ASP integration service provisioning, mechanical sector.


clothing online sales with integrated supply chain.


integration service provisioning, mixed ASP e P2P model, textile and clothing sector.

Consorzio T.Q.R.

Direct P2P data exchange, textile clothing sector.


ASP integration service provisioning, electronic components and textile clothing sector.

OTA - Open Travel Alliance

Data exchange specifications, tourism.


Data exchange specifications, paper and wood industry.


North European public eProcurement


Integration service provisioning, mechanical, industry, food, sectors

Prato - 'standardizzazione'

ASP services for textile industry subcontracting


Biella, applying Moda-ML for P2P, textile clothing sector


Consorzio IPSA, textile clothing sector

eBIZ Pilots

eBIZ-TCF interoperability architecture
project from DG Enterprise and Industry aiming to define an interoperability framework for the European industry of textile clothing and footwear. Reports about some of the 17 pilot networks.


WEB - Learning from peers - Pilot cases search engine
Search engine on pilot cases stored in the "Learning from peers" database (promoted by eBSN - DG Enterprise and Industry).
It is possible to select the cases of a country or by technology or other criteria.
WEB - Learning from peers - Quality Biella
Quality Biella, company offering services for textile industry, adopted Moda-ML/eBIZ-TCF specifications to improve its capacity of planning and optimisation of the activities and to offer a better service to the customers.
WEB - Learning from peers - TQR - transnational network
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