Public events eBIZ-TCF

Meetings with eBIZ-TCF consortium and with testimonials from the Pilots

After developing and testing the Reference Architecture within the pilot firms, in 2010 the eBIZ-TCF project focuses on creating awareness on its results, specifically through national eBIZ events organised in many European states.

Scheduled events

     Meeting in Biella /ebiz/images/eBIZbiella/ebiz-%20biella%20021.jpg
Meeting in Biella

 Meeting in Biella - 2 /ebiz/images/eBIZbiella/ebiz-%20biella%20032.jpg
Meeting in Biella - 2

Events address mainly: IT manager and company managers of the Textile, Clothing and footwear sector (production and retail organisations); technicians of the firms, of IT suppliers and service providers dealing with the fashion sector.

More info in and Italian click here


WEB - eBIZ Biella: Press release
DOC - Enterprise policy magazine article on eBIZ-TCF DI510-073
Article "Tailor Made digital supply chain",
presenting the eBIZ project on "The Enterprise and Industry Magazine".
The article focuses on the fashion industry current situation and the benefits of e-Business harmonisation initiative, eBIZ. (pdf, 33044 bytes, v1, 1/10/2010)
WEB - Link to eBIZ-TCF WEb page on pilots and case histories (this web site)
WEB - Link to eBIZ-TCF architecture web page (this web site)
DOC - The presentation of the events programm (present version italian only) DI510-042
Eventi pubblici eBIZ-TCF programmati per primavera 2010 (pdf, 104960 bytes, v1, 19/6/2011)
DOC - Biella event agenda (italian) DI510-041
eBIZ-TCF, evento pubblico a Biella del 7 Maggio 2010 presso unione industriali (pdf, 129024 bytes, v1, 30/4/2010)
DOC - Modena event agenda (italian) DI510-050
Programma evento presentazione risultati di eBIZ-TCF, 7 Giugno 2010, in modena (pdf, 296248 bytes, v1, 17/5/2010)

Log: eBIZ-events2010-EN