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Client Setup

Client Setup

To install correctly MSH2:
1) Download the MSH2 package (MSH2-only or the All-In-One package);

2a) If you have the MSH2 All-In-One package:
- unzip the .zip file in a temporary directory,
- launch setup.exe;

2b) If you have the MSH2 standard package:
- open the zip file,
- move the directory in your favoutite location (f.e. C:\Program Files\MSH2),
- create a shortcut on Desktop;

N.B. You MUST have already installed a version of MS SLQ Server in your system.
You can download the free SQL Server Express at following link:

3) Prepare the database in SQL Server:
- launch the .bat file DB_Create\CreateDb.bat from the start menu or directly in his location
(f.e. C:\Program Files\MSH2\DB_Create\CreateDb.bat);

4) Configure MSH2 for the current client:
- launch MSH2.exe by shortcut, start menu or directly in his location
(f.e. C:\Programmi\MSH2\MSH2.exe)
- click on "Options" icon to open the "Settings" window;
- set your PartyId
(PartyId is a Party Identifier, combination of:
two letters for client nationality (f.e. "IT"),
the minus character "-",
client VAT number, P.IVA or, to test, an any 11 digits number,
f.e. "IT-12345678909" and "DE-98765432101" are two valid PartyId);
- check database string connection:
Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=MSH2;Integrated Security=SSPI;
- click on "SMTP & POP" tab and set the features of client e-mail account
(email address, SMTP host, POP host, POP username and password)
(the SSL authentication is supported too, for example:
gmail supports SSL, the SMTP port is 587, the POP port is 995);
- click on "Save";
- to apply these modifications, restart MSH2;

5) To exchange messages you have to configure the collaboration between two Parties.


Log: MSH2 Setup-EN

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