Laboratorio per l’Innovazione industriale e la Sostenibilità Energetico - Ambientale


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Innovazione per produzione ed uso sostenibile di energia, da LISEA ai Tecnopoli

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Innovazione per produzione ed uso sostenibile di energia, da LISEA ai Tecnopoli

April 15th 2011, Workshop at the ENEA Research Center Clementel, via Martiri di Monte Sole 4, Bologna

Technologies and methodologies for sustainable develpment are more and more a critical element for our society and require a systematic and integrated approiach, encompassing many aspects the contribute to the evaluation of the sustainability of an industrial activity or of the development of a territory.

 /Lisealab/images/2011-4-15/Lisea 4 aprile 2011 062-small.JPG In order to facilitate the sinergies between industry and research, the adoption of innovative technologies, the environment protection and the efficient use of Energy, the Emilia Romagna Region has funded structures addressing these issues and promoted by the main universities and research organisations in the region; these structures form the Regional Network for High Technology.

The workshop presents the experience of one of these laboratories, Laboratorio LISEA, co-ordinated by ENEA, and its evolution towards the network of Tecnopoles of the Emilia Romagna Region.

The laboratory has developed its activities in the area of the technologies and methodologies for the sustainable development, more specifically in:
• Energy design (efficiency and renewable sources),
• Analysis and evaluation of environmental sustainability of industrial processes and products
• ICT technologies and organisational innovation, in order to reduce the waste of material and of energy and to increase the industrial processes efficiency.

The workshop will be focused on:
1 – evolution of the industrial research and technology transfer, from LISEA to the Tecnopoles approach.
2 – case histories on the main results of the two years of activities of the laboratory (Energy efficiency buildings, eco design and LCA evaluation, organic energy, industrial process virtualisation, for example)
3 – the design of the ENEA Tecnopole as a case study of integrated Energy effciency
4 – a poster session on all the results of the 24 research units of LISEA

ABSTRACT of the case histories

POSTER session of the RESULTS

PHOTO gallery  /Lisealab/images/risultati/eneasolcell01.jpg

This workshop is one of the Energy Days in the agenda of the EU Sustainable Energy Week, April 11-15 Aprile 2011

 The EU Sustainable Energy Week
The EU Sustainable Energy Week

The complete list of the Energy Days can be found in Energy Days

Other information about the EU Sustainable Energy Week can be found on the web site or in the flyer

The poster can be downloaded from here.

 /Lisealab/images/2011-4-15/Lisea 4 aprile 2011 053-small.JPG

 The EU Sustainable Energy Week
The EU Sustainable Energy Week


WEB - Available results in LISEA's laboratories
WEB - Summary of cases
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