MODA-ML 2003-1
official release of XML documents and software
(updated September 2004)
This is the third official release of the XML documents of MODA-ML, named MODA-ML 2003-1.
This is the final version of the documents produced by Moda-ML and integrated with the reults of the Workshop
In the next future further developments could deal with the extension of the
coverage of the processes of other parts of the supply chain, thus they will only add further documents
without changing the existing ones.
The previous early versions, 2002-1 and 2002-2, should be considered obsolete (but
will be maintained for compatibility reasons
These documents and software can be freely used,
they cannot be sold but you can embed them in your products and commercial
solution (you must only inform that they are present and developed by the MODA-ML project).
Please, download the software and the User Guides,
try the XML Schemas and Samples.
Send your comment to the STAFF of MODA-ML (click HERE)
Modelling Data exchange processes
Processes involving message exchange between FABRIC SUPPLIERS and GARMENT MANUFACTURERS:
a description of Actors, Roles, Sequences of Activities and Transactions that describe the process that the documents support. >
They are not mandatory but should be thought as a suggestion about how to use the documents.
Process: Fabric supplying
1. Activity: fabric choice
2. Activity: fabric purchase
3. Activity: fabric despatch
Process: Fabric production
1. Activity: subcontracting darning
XML documents, Version 2003-1
Compare with the previous versions
List of all
the changes between version 2002-1 and the version 2002-2 (italian only)
The list contains the changes in the elements of all the
documents and regards changes in naming, lenght, description, etc.
Click here (57K)
Compare with the previous version
List of all
the changes between version 2002-2 and the new version 2003-1 (italian only)
The list contains the changes in the elements of all the
documents and regards changes in naming, lenght, description, etc.
Click here (35K)
Demo software
Message Handler(MSH)1.1.8
demo software, a front-end to send/receive XML documents, based on the e-mail
protocol and compliant with the ebXML specification (MSH).
Sending a message with MSH:
A continuous loop checks a specific folder to
view if any message is ready to be sent
Checks if the message is valid and well
formed against the corresponding xml schema.
Stores the message in the database
disassembling it in its parts.
Estabilishes a connection with e-mail server
and finally sends the message.
a connection with e-mail server.
Retrieves a list of new messages and
downloads them one by one.
For each message downloaded check if the
message is valid an well formed against the corresponding xml schema.
Handles error conditions.
Automatically sends comfirmation (ack) that
the message has been received (if requested)
Stores the message in the database disassembling it
in its parts.
Message Content manager(MCM)
a demo software to create trial messages (MCM),
the four main messages of the cycle of the order only (purchase order, response,
change and order status report).
It is to be noted that the software is a final version (1.1.8).
The final version will add only new functions.
Examples of XML documents
WARNING: if these XML documents look badly, it is necessary to upgrade your browser to fully support the XSL specifications
If you have MS-Explorer 5.0 or
5.5 downloads the upgrade or link to the Microsoft site as indicated below