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1 - Overview 2 - Processes 3 - Documents 4 - Transactions 5 - Resources 6 - Decoding tables 7 - Dictionary 8 - Atlas Printable version

XML structures of eBIZ/TC Upstream documents (2008-1)

release 15/12/2008

Document Garment Stock Offer Status
Document Garment Stock Offer Status
Description Status of an on-line sales Offer of garment stock
Release date 15/12/2008
The document Garment Stock Offer Status can be used as Response to the Offer, notifying the Client of the loading and of the status of the Offer (.
dealing, sold, withdrawn, ..etc..).
The document is issued by the e-Stockflow Service Provider to respond to an Offer of garment stock or to notify the status of the Offer.
Each document line must refer to one line of a former "Stock Offer", of which is notified either the loading or the following development of the dealing
Credits GCf
Back compatibility New
Used in Processes