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Reference transactions in eBIZ/TC Upstream (2008-1)

release 15/12/2008

Process 1 - Fabric supply
Process Fabric supply
Description process that describes the procurement of fabric by Clothing companies or Brand Retailers or other kind of Users (Home textile or automotive)
Process activities
Activity 1 - Selection of fabrics
Activity Selection of fabrics
Description Activity of selection of the fabrics that the Clothing company (or any other User) insert in its Collection (includes the exchange of the products codes, the technical sheets, the anticipation or the forecast about articles to be purcased)
Preconditions The Clothing company must select and reserve the fabric articles to employ in its apparel collection
Activity transactions
Action description
Sender, Receiver
1 - Textile catalogue
This document is usable both as a sales catalogue and to exchange in advance the product data between the Supplier and the Customer, in order to synchronize their product data-bases. It lists the articles composing the Fabric Producer's offer (codes, descriptions, prices and sales conditions) and can include some of the technical data (composition, weight and width, construction specifications, …).
 + [Full record]  
-Fabric Producer
-Apparel Producer
[XML Schema]
2 - Fabric Technical Sheet
This document is used to provide the Customer (Buyer) with the technical data relevant to describe and characterize the fabric article; i.e.: general data, costruction details, measurements of color fastness, dimensional stability and mechanical properties
 + [Full record]  
-Fabric Producer
-Apparel Producer
[XML Schema]
3 - Textile Collection Forecast
This document is used to notify to the Fabric Producer the articles of his Offer that are considered for future acquisition or use in the Apparel Season Collection. The same document can also be used by the Client to request the Fabric Technical Sheet and/or notify the buyer’s article code to the Producer.
 + [Full record]  
-Apparel Producer
-Fabric Producer
[XML Schema]
Postconditions The Textile company knows in advance the fabric articles of its catalogue that will be put into production
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_Selectionoffabrics
Link to the related ebBP

Activity 2 - Purchase of fabrics
Activity Purchase of fabrics
Description Activity of purchase of fabrics, includes monitoring of the advancements of the order.
Preconditions The Clothing company has defined the fabric articles that will order (article identifiers, quantities, delivery dates)
Activity transactions
Action description
Sender, Receiver
1 - Textile Purchase Order
The message is issued by the Apparel Producer to purchase fabric articles.
Request of 'Textile Order Response'
 + [Full record]  
-Apparel Producer
-Fabric Producer
[XML Schema]
2 - Textile Order Response
The message is issued by the Fabric Producer in response to a purchase order.The Producer must, in any case, return an Order Response for any Order received, where, for each item, he notifies the acceptance as it is (C), the variation (V) or the cancellation (A).
 + [Full record]  
-Fabric Producer
-Apparel Producer
[XML Schema]
3 - Textile Order change
The Apparel Producer sends to the Fabric Producer an Order Change any time he must modify some conditions of his previous Order (eg. to cancel items not delivered in time) or amend errors (eg. invalid prices).
Request of 'Textile Order Response'
 + [Full record]  
-Apparel Producer
-Fabric Producer
[XML Schema]
4 - Textile Order status report
The message is issued by the Fabric Producer to report to his Client the status of his Orders and the updated delivery dates, with the possibility of splitting an order line into several consignements.
 + [Full record]  
-Fabric Producer
-Apparel Producer
[XML Schema]
Postconditions The Textile company has processed and executed the order received
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_Purchaseoffabrics
Link to the related ebBP

Activity 3 - Fabric delivery with quality reporting by Producer
Activity Fabric delivery with quality reporting by Producer
Description Activity of delivering the fabrics to the Clients or their SubContractors without the intervention of a Controller
Preconditions The Clothing company agrees to accept the fabric pieces with self-certification of the Manufacturer
Activity transactions
Action description
Sender, Receiver
1 - Textile Despatch Request
The message is issued to plan the delivery of the fabric pieces that are in the "ready for despatch" status (see the document "Textile Order Status").This document enables the Buyer to modify some date of its Order (delivery dates and places)
Request of 'Textile Despatch advice'
 + [Full record]  
-Apparel Producer
-Fabric Producer
[XML Schema]
2 - Textile Despatch advice
The message is issued to anticipate the details the articles actually despatched.
 + [Full record]  
-Fabric Producer
-Apparel Producer
[XML Schema]
3 - Textile Quality Report
The message is issued by the Fabric Producer as "quality certificate" of the fabric piece, mainly to anticipate the details on the existence, position and classification of faults in order to accelerate and improve the following apparel manufacturing.
 + [Full record]  
-Fabric Producer
-Apparel Producer
[XML Schema]
Postconditions The fabric pieces are delivered to the Clothing company with the only quality certification made by the Manufacturer
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_FabricdeliverywithqualityreportingbyProducer
Link to the related ebBP

Activity 4 - Despatch of fabrics with groupage
Activity Despatch of fabrics with groupage
Description In this scenario, the Fabric Producers agree to send fabrics and accessories ordered by the Apparel Producer to a Logistics Company or directly to the Apparel Subcontractor specified by the Apparel Producer. The Apparel Producer send a Despatch Request o
Preconditions The Clothing company has contracted the Fabric Producer or a Logistics company for the "groupage" service (fabric pieces and accessories grouped together in the apparel kit)
Activity transactions
Action description
Sender, Receiver
1 - Textile Despatch Request
The message is issued to plan the delivery of the fabric pieces that are in the "ready for despatch" status (see the document "Textile Order Status").This document enables the Buyer to modify some date of its Order (delivery dates and places)
 + [Full record]  
-Apparel Producer
-Fabric Producer
[XML Schema]
2 - Textile Despatch advice
The message is issued to anticipate to the Fabric Controller the details the articles actually despatched.
 + [Full record]  
-Fabric Producer
-Fabric Controller
[XML Schema]
3 - Textile Despatch advice
The message is issued to notify to the Apparel Producer the details the articles physically dispatched to the Fabric Controller
 + [Full record]  
-Fabric Producer
-Apparel Producer
[XML Schema]
4 - Textile Quality Report
The message is issued by the Fabric Quality Controller as "quality certificate" of the fabric piece, mainly to anticipate the details on the existence, position and classification of faults in order to accelerate and improve the following apparel manufacturing.
 + [Full record]  
-Fabric Controller
-Apparel Producer
[XML Schema]
5 - Textile Quality Report
The message is issued by the Fabric Quality Controller as "quality certificate" to inform the Fabric Producer about the result of its quality inspection
 + [Full record]  
-Fabric Controller
-Fabric Producer
[XML Schema]
6 - Garment Kit Despatch Request
The Apparel Producer send the Despatch Request of the "kit" to the Fabric Producer (ALTERNATIVE: to the Logistics company) so that it can make the "groupage (fabric, buttons, fastners…) and send it to the specified Subcontractor.
Request of 'Garment Kit Despatch Advice'
 + [Full record]  
-Apparel Producer
-Fabric Producer
[XML Schema]
7 - Garment Kit Despatch Advice
The Fabric Producer (ALTERNATIVE: the Logistics company) sends the Despatch Advise to the Apparel Producer to confirm the shipping of the “kit” to the SubContractor.
 + [Full record]  
-Fabric Producer
-Apparel Producer
[XML Schema]
8 - Garment Kit Despatch Advice
The Fabric Producer (ALTERNATIVE: the Logistics company) sends the Despatch Advise to the Subcontractor to anticipate the information about the material it will receive.
 + [Full record]  
-Fabric Producer
-Apparel Subcontractor
[XML Schema]
Postconditions The fabric pieces are delivered to the SubContractor of the Clothing company controlled and assembled in apparel kits
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_Despatchoffabricswithgroupage
Link to the related ebBP

Activity 5 - Fabric delivery with quality reporting by Controller
Activity Fabric delivery with quality reporting by Controller (New or updated)
Description Activity of delivering the fabrics to the Clients or their SubContractors after the intervention of a Controller (inspection of the pieces)
Preconditions The Clothing company has contracted, for the inspection of the pieces, a Controller which receives the pieces from the Textile manufacturer
Activity transactions
Action description
Sender, Receiver
1 - Textile Collection Forecast
In this business scenarios the message is used to notify the Fabric Controller about the fabric articles he will inspect in the season.
 + [Full record]  
-Apparel Producer
-Fabric Controller
[XML Schema]
2 - Textile Despatch Request
The message is issued to plan the delivery of the fabric pieces that are in the "ready for despatch" status (see the document "Textile Order Status").This document enables the Buyer to modify some date of its Order (delivery dates and places)
 + [Full record]  
-Apparel Producer
-Fabric Producer
[XML Schema]
3 - Textile Despatch advice
The message is issued to anticipate the details the articles actually despatched.
 + [Full record]  
-Fabric Producer
-Fabric Controller
[XML Schema]
4 - Textile Despatch advice
The message here is used to notify the Apparel Producer about the upload of the pieces for quality control
Request of 'Piece control Order'
 + [Full record]  
-Fabric Controller
-Apparel Producer
[XML Schema]
5 - Piece control Order
The document Piece Control Order is used by the Apparel Producer to specify the type of inspection and accessory treatments requested for each fabric piece and the final destination of the fabric piece.
 + [Full record]  
-Apparel Producer
-Fabric Controller
6 - Textile Quality Report
The message is issued by the Fabric Controller as "quality certificate" of the fabric piece, mainly to anticipate the details on the existence, position and classification of faults in order to accelerate and improve the following apparel manufacturing.
 + [Full record]  
-Fabric Controller
-Apparel Producer
[XML Schema]
7 - Textile Despatch advice
The message is issued to anticipate the details the fabric pieces that are to be dispatched after quality control. The physical dispatch can be either to the Client (Apparel Producer) or to a Subcontractor; in the second instance, this is for information only.
 + [Full record]  
-Fabric Controller
-Apparel Producer
[XML Schema]
8 - Textile Despatch advice
The message is issued to anticipate the details the fabric pieces that are to be dispatched after quality control when the physical dispatch is to a Subcontractor.
 + [Full record]  
-Fabric Controller
-Apparel Subcontractor
[XML Schema]
9 - Receiving Advice
The Receiving Advise can be used by the Subcontractor either to confirm the regular receipt of the fabric pieces or to notify discrepancies between what was declared by the Sender and what was received.
 + [Full record]  
-Apparel Subcontractor
-Apparel Producer
[XML Schema]
Postconditions The fabric pieces are delivered to the final destination (Clothing company or Apparel Subcontractor) already certified.
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_FabricdeliverywithqualityreportingbyController
Link to the related ebBP

Activity 6 - Invoicing of fabrics
Activity Invoicing of fabrics
Description Activity that brings to completion the trading between the Fabric Producer and the Apparel Producer, enabling the Fabric Producer to debit the product supplied and any additional service performed.
Preconditions The Fabric Producer has satisfied the Apparel Producer’s order under any quantitative/qualitative condition.
Activity transactions
Action description
Sender, Receiver
1 - Textile Invoice
The message can be used by the Fabric Producer to debit its Client for any kind of supply or service. This document can be used to debit standard fabric supply using the option "texItem", and additional goods or services (stocks, batch rests, ..) using the option "prodServItem", even in the same invoice
 + [Full record]  
-Fabric Producer
-Apparel Producer
[XML Schema]
Postconditions The commercial transaction is concluded
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_Invoicingoffabrics
Link to the related ebBP
Functions/Actors involved
  • Apparel Producer
  • Apparel Subcontractor
  • Fabric Controller
  • Fabric Producer