getParametri.ERROR: 008
Version not found in DS N of configuration file

Activity 1 - Subcontracted yarn twisting
Activity Subcontracted yarn twisting
Description Activity of commissioning to a Subcontrctor the twisting of yarn.
Preconditions The Yarn Producer has decided to commission the twisting to a specialised Subcontractor
Activity transactions
Action description
Sender, Receiver
1 - Twisting Request
This message is usable to request an offer for the twisting of yarn
Request of 'Twisting Offer'
 + [Full record]  
-Yarn Producer
-Yarn Subcontractor
[XML Schema]
2 - Twisting Offer
This message is usable to make an offer for the twisting of yarn
 + [Full record]  
-Yarn Subcontractor
-Yarn Producer
[XML Schema]
3 - Yarn Twisting Commission Order
This message is usable to commission the twisting of yarn
 + [Full record]  
-Yarn Producer
-Yarn Subcontractor
[XML Schema]
4 - Yarn Despatch Advice
This message is usable to inform the Subcontractor about the yarn sent for twisting
Request of 'Receiving Advice'
 + [Full record]  
-Yarn Producer
-Yarn Subcontractor
[XML Schema]
5 - Receiving Advice
This message is usable to cerify to the Commissioner the receipt of the material sent for the commission (see preceding activity)
 + [Full record]  
-Yarn Subcontractor
-Yarn Producer
[XML Schema]
6 - Yarn Order Status Report
This message is usable to report to the Commissioner the progress of his commission orders
 + [Full record]  
-Yarn Subcontractor
-Yarn Producer
[XML Schema]
7 - Yarn Despatch Advice
This message is usable to inform the Commissioner that the commissioned output product (yarn) has been despatched
 + [Full record]  
-Yarn Subcontractor
-Yarn Producer
[XML Schema]
8 - Yarn in work Inventory report
This message is usable to certify to the Commissioner the Stock and WIP amount of his materials
 + [Full record]  
-Yarn Subcontractor
-Yarn Producer
[XML Schema]
Postconditions The commission order has been executed and the finished (output) product has been delivered back (or made available) to the Commissioner
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_Subcontractedyarntwisting