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1 - Overview 2 - Processes 3 - Documents 4 - Transactions 5 - Resources 6 - Decoding tables 7 - Dictionary 8 - Atlas Printable version

Reference Collaborative Processes in eBIZ/TC Upstream (2011-1)

release 18/11/2011

Process 1 - Yarn subcontracted manufacturing
Process Yarn subcontracted manufacturing
Description Yarn production process commissioned to subcontractors; the process starts from raw material and produces finished yarns. The Yarn Producer commissions to specialised Subcontractors some value-added operations of the manufacturing cycle because of specific know-how or scale economies. In this process 3 events are foundamental: the issue of the commission order, the swap of the material, the reporting of the order progress.
Process activities
Process activities
Activity transactions Diagrams
1 - Subcontracted dyeing of raw material
(New or updated)
Activity of commissioning to a Subcontrctor the dyeing of raw material.
 + [Full record]  
  +      Diagramm A_Subcontracteddyeingofrawmaterial
2 - Subcontracted spinning of raw material
(New or updated)
Activity of commissioning to a Subcontrctor the spinning of raw material.
 + [Full record]  
  +      Diagramm A_Subcontractedspinningofrawmaterial
3 - Subcontracted yarn twisting
Activity of commissioning to a Subcontrctor the twisting of yarn.
 + [Full record]  
  +      Diagramm A_Subcontractedyarntwisting
4 - Subcontracted yarn dyeing
Activity of commissioning to a Subcontrctor the dyeing of yarn.
 + [Full record]  
  +      Diagramm A_Subcontractedyarndyeing
Functions/Actors involved
  • Dyeing/Finishing Sub-contractor
    Sub-contracting company that hires job to the Fabric Manufacturer or the Apparel Manufacturer for dying/finishing operations (it is a kind of Subcontractor for both)
  • Yarn Producer
    Yarn supplier, produces yarns from raw material; has Fabric and Knittwear producers as customers.
  • Yarn Subcontractor
    Sub-contracting company of the Yarn supplier; he perform some phasis of the yarn production process on behalf of the Yarn Supplier.