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Reference Collaborative Processes in eBIZ/TC Upstream (2011-1)

Introduction to the Reference collaborative processes (ebBP)

The representation of the inter-company collaborative processes is a result of eBIZ/TC Upstream.
In fact, sharing a common representation of the collaborative process (a scenario) and of its activities and messages to be exchanged, simplifies the setup of the collaboration and reduces misalignments and misunderstanding.
Its representation can be codified with an XML document (a ebBP, according with the ebXML terminology)

The reference collaboration processes are described (as images and as Business Process Specification Schemas) for some common typologies of the textile Clothing supply chain; starting from these representations the firms and their technology suppliers will be able to decide to implement them completely or partially, or to create new variants more taylord to their needs.

release 18/11/2011

Process 1 - Yarn supply
Process Yarn supply
Description Process of supplying of yarns (usually for productionof fabrics, knittwear; sometimes directly to clothing suppliers and other industrial users and to final customers)
Process activities
Process activities
Activity transactions Diagrams
1 - Purchase of yarn
Activity of purchase of yarns, includes monitoring of the advancements of the order.
  +      Diagramm A_Purchaseofyarn
2 - Delivery of yarn
Activity of delivering the yarn to the Clients This activity does not include the provision of a quality report to the Client and the invoicing
  +      Diagramm A_Deliveryofyarn
Functions/Actors involved
  • Fabric Producer
    Company that manufactures the fabric used for the production of garments. Its prodctive process has in input yarns and in output fabrics. It is the Supplier of the Apparel Manufacturer and the customer of the Yarn Producer.
  • Yarn Producer
    Yarn supplier, produces yarns from raw material; has Fabric and Knittwear producers as customers.