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XML structures of eBIZ/TC Upstream documents (2011-1)

Introduction to the XML document template

The structure of the XML documents is the very prescriptive part of the eBIZ/TC Upstream framework: using the eBIZ/TC Upstream documents, the prescriptions must be completely respected about structure of the documents, names and coding, optionality or mandatory use of elements, meaning of each element.
Otherwise the documents could be not validable with the XML Schema (that are the only way to check the formal compliance of the documents) or could generate misunderstandings about the meaning of the message on the side of your partners.
The allowable customisations are about the use or not of a document or about the elements of the document that are declared 'optional'; they can be used to simplify the documents (not all the elements are always necessary).

The (template of) eBIZ/TC Upstream documents of each release are on or and are represented by:

  • XML Schemas, public but that cannot be modified, they must be used to validate the XML documents.
  • User Guides, that completely describe the structure and the aim of the documents, together with the elements and their coding rules.
  • in some cases, Samples and Stylesheets(XSL) might be available and can be used to visualize with a browser the content of the XML documents. The proposed stylesheets should be considered as a sample or a reference to be used directly or customised or ignored and substituted with custom stylesheets.

release 18/11/2011

Document Fabric Technical Sheet
Document Fabric Technical Sheet
Description Technical document describing the commercial details and the constuction properties of the fabric
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “FABRIC TECHNICAL SHEET”, providing all the instruction required for its use in any context of e-commerce between Apparel Producers and Fabric Producers.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
This document is used to provide the Customer (Buyer) with the technical data relevant to describe and characterize the fabric article; i.e.:
- general data
- costruction details
- measurements of color fastness, dimensional stability and mechanical properties
Credits This XML document has been realized by Guido Cucchiara, PROGEMA - Gruppo SOI, supported by Thomas Imolesi and Arianna Brutti, XML-Lab (initiative of ENEA and Forum per la Tecnologia dell'Informazione). Other participants: Alessandro Barberis Canonico (Lanificio Vitale Barberis Canonico), Albino Botto Poala (Lanificio Successori Reda), Gustavo Cametti (Lanificio Piacenza), Massimo Perona (Domina srl), Piero De Sabbata e Piergiorgio Censoni (ENEA) Gianfranco Irico (Lanificio Loro Piana), Luca Mainetti (Politecnico di Milano, Hypermedia Open center), Federico Tamburini e Ivano Begnozzi (Fratelli Corneliani). The MODA-ML project is supported in the Fifth Framework programme by the European Commission in the IST initiative (IST Take Up Actions, action line 2.5) and is included in the cluster of projects about Agents and Middleware Technologies EUTIST-AMI (IST-2000-28221, More informations can be acquired in
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G008
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_Choiceoffabrics
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Fabric supply  

Document Garment accessory Despatch Advice
Document Garment accessory Despatch Advice
Description Advice for despatch of the garment accessory sent by the Supplier
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “GARMENT ACCESSORY DESPATCH ADVISE”, providing all the instruction required for its use in any context of e-commerce between Apparel or Fabric Producers and Garment accessory Producers (Suppliers).
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implentation guide".
The message is issued to anticipate the details the articles actually despatched. The same message can be used with the client for sale and with the subcontractor for working operation.

This document can be used:
- as a standard despatch advice
- as a pre-despatch notification of the goods that are to be despatched.

Each document item must correspond with a well defined fabric article (article + pattern + color); for each item is possible to reference the Order line that is delivered.
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G037
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Garment accessory supply  
  • Knitwear subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Garment accessory Despatch Request
Document Garment accessory Despatch Request
Description Request for despatch of garment accessories (allows to specificy destination and delivery date)
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “GARMENT ACCESSORY DESPATCH REQUEST”, providing all the instruction required for its use in any context of e-commerce between Apparel or Fabric Producers and Garment accessory Producers (Supplier).
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The message is issued to plan the delivery of the garment accessories that are in the "ready for despatch" status (see the document "Order Status").
This document enables the Buyer to modify some date of its Order (delivery dates and places)

This document can be used:
- as a standard despatch request
- as a despatch request that, at the same time, cancels a previous request referenced there in

Each document item must correspond with a well defined garment accessory article (article + pattern + color) and for each item is possible to reference the Order line that is delivered.
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G038
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Garment accessory supply  
  • Knitwear subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Garment Accessory Purchase Order
Document Garment Accessory Purchase Order
Description Purchase order to the Garment Accessories Producer (Supplier)
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “GARMENT ACCESSORY PURCHASE ORDER”, providing all the instruction required for its use in any context of e-commerce between Apparel or Fabric Producers and Garment Accessories Producers.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The message is issued to purchase garment accessories.

Three types of order are possible:
- “standard”, when the order is completely defined
- “blanket”, when some of the data are left out for subsequent definition (eg. colour)
- “call off”, when it defines and closes a “blanket order”

The “standard” and the “call off” order is an authorization to ship and invoice well defined fabric articles in well defined quantities, dates, locations and prices.The “blanket” order provides the anticipation of some data to the supplier.
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G034
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Garment accessory supply  

Document Garment Accessory Purchase Order Change
Document Garment Accessory Purchase Order Change
Description Order Change sent to the Garment Accessory Producer (Supplier) (allows to change destination, quantity, delivery date)
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “GARMENT ACCESSORY PURCHASE ORDER CHANGE”, providing all the instruction required for its use in any context of e-commerce between Apparel or Fabric Producers and Garment Accessory Producers (Suppliers).
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The Apparel or the Fabric Producer sends an Order Change any time he must modify some conditions of his previous Order (eg. to cancel items not delivered in time) or amend errors (eg. invalid prices).
Basic function of the message is to replace an invalid Order with a valid Order, amending:

- suppliable quantities
- dates and places of delivery
- prices

The Order Change can show a number of lines different from the related Purchase Order, when variations/cancellations have occurred so as to create the splitting of an Order Line.
However the sum of the quantities of the lines in the Order Change (confirmed + varied + cancelled) must alway equal the sum of the quantities in the original Order.
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G036
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Garment accessory supply  

Document Garment Accessory Purchase Order Response
Document Garment Accessory Purchase Order Response
Description Order Response sent by the Garment accessory Producer(Supplier) (enables changes to the order).
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “GARMENT ACCESSORY PURHASE ORDER RESPONSE ”, providing all the instruction required for its use in any context of e-commerce between Apparel or Fabric Producers and Garment Accessory Producer.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The message is issued by the Garment Accessory Producer (Supplier) in response to a purchase order.
The Producer must, in any case, return an Order Response for any Order received, where, for each item, he notifies the acceptance as it is (C), the variation (V) or the cancellation (A).
Basic function of the message is to notify acceptance or to request modifications or cancellations concerning:

1) suppliable quantities
2) dates and places of delivery
3) prices

The Order Response can show a number of lines different from the related Purchase Order, when variations/cancellations have occurred so as to create the splitting of an Order Line.
However the sum of the quantities of the lines in the Order Response (accepted + varied + cancelled) must always equal the sum of the quantities in the Order.
Credits GCF
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G035
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Garment accessory supply  

Document Garment Despatch Advice
Document Garment Despatch Advice
(Not defined)
Description Advice for despatch of clothing or knitwear items.
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “GARMENT DESPATCH ADVISE”, providing all the instruction required for its use in any context of e-commerce between Apparel Manufactures and their Clients.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The message is issued by the Clothing Manufacturer to anticipate the details the articles actually despatched. The same message can be used from/ to a sub-contractor for commissioned operations.

This document can be used:
- as a standard despatch advice
- as a pre-despatch notification of the goods that are to be despatched.
Each document item must correspond with a well defined garment article (SKU); for each item is possible to reference the Order line that is delivered.
Credits This guide has been realized by Guido Cucchiara, PROGEMA - Gruppo SOI, supported by Thomas Imolesi and Arianna Brutti, XML-Lab (initiative of ENEA and Forum per la Tecnologia dell'Informazione). Other participants: Alessandro Barberis Canonico (Lanificio Vitale Barberis Canonico), Albino Botto Poala (Lanificio Successori Reda), Gustavo Cametti (Lanificio Piacenza), Massimo Perona (Domina srl), Piero De Sabbata e Piergiorgio Censoni (ENEA) Gianfranco Irico (Lanificio Loro Piana), Luca Mainetti (Politecnico di Milano, Hypermedia Open center), Federico Tamburini e Ivano Begnozzi (Fratelli Corneliani). The MODA-ML project is supported in the Fifth Framework programme by the European Commission in the IST initiative (IST Take Up Actions, action line 2.5) and is included in the cluster of projects about Agents and Middleware Technologies EUTIST-AMI (IST-2000-28221, More informations can be acquired in
Back compatibility Not defined
Document Code G028
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Knitwear subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Garment Despatch Request
Document Garment Despatch Request
Description Request for despatch of garment articles (knitwear or clothing items); allows to specificy destination and delivery date.
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “GARMENT DESPATCH REQUEST”, providing all the instruction required for its use in any context of e-commerce between Apparel Manufactures and their Clients.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The message is issued by the Client to request/plan the delivery of the sendable articled. The same message can be used from/ to a sub-contractor for commissioned operations.

This document can be used:
- as a standard request
as a change notification of a previous request .
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G043
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Knitwear subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Garment in work Inventory report
Document Garment in work Inventory report
Description Inventory report of knitwear or clothing in work
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type GARMENT IN WORK INVENTORY REPORT”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce in the Textile industry, as shown in the enclosed diagrams.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
Generalities The present document can be used by a Knitwear or Clothing Subcontractor to inform his Client (Commission issuer), periodically or on demand, about the quantity of pre-works or in-work Textile items (Client's property) stocked at the Subcontractor's premises.
This inventory may refer to all the goods of one Commission issuer or just to those related to one Commission order; item quantities may be subdivided by type of stock and physical location.
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G044
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Knitwear subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Garment Kit Despatch Advice
Document Garment Kit Despatch Advice
Description Despatch advise of a garment kit sent by a Apparel Producer or by a Logistic Operator or Fabric Controller or Producer on his behalf to a Apparel Subcontractor
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “GARMENT KIT DESPATCH ADVISE”, providing all the instruction required for its use in any context of e-commerce between Subcontractors and Apparel Producers (or other actors that send the kits on their behalf).
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
In this scenario, the Fabric Producers agree to send fabrics and accessories ordered by the Apparel Producer to a Logistics Company or directly to the Apparel Subcontractor specified by the Apparel Producer.
The Apparel Producer send a Despatch Request of the "kit" to the Fabric Producer o to the Logistics company so that it can make the "groupage (fabric, buttons, fastners…) and send it to the specified Subcontractor.
At this point, the Logistics company (or the Fabric Producer acting as) send the Despatch Advise to the Apparel Producer to confirm the shipping; the same document is sent to the Subcontractor to anticipate the information about the material it will receive.
This document is relative to the Despatch Advise of the "kit" and can concern one Subcontractor only.
The basic principles are:
- one line item must correspond to one "kit" and one Subcontractor
- every kit is made of one or more fabrics of which the single pieces can be identified, plus several accessories
- as for the roles: the Apparel Producer is "buyer", the Logistics company is "supplier" and the Subcontractor is "third party"
Credits This XML document has been realized by Guido Cucchiara, PROGEMA - Gruppo SOI, supported by Thomas Imolesi and Arianna Brutti, XML-Lab (initiative of ENEA and Forum per la Tecnologia dell'Informazione). Other participants: Gustavo Cametti (Lanificio Piacenza), Massimo Perona (Domina srl), Piero De Sabbata e Piergiorgio Censoni (ENEA) The MODA-ML project is supported in the Fifth Framework programme by the European Commission in the IST initiative (IST Take Up Actions, action line 2.5) and is included in the cluster of projects about Agents and Middleware Technologies EUTIST-AMI (IST-2000-28221, More informations can be acquired in
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G018
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_Despatchoffabricswithgroupage
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Fabric supply  

Document Garment Kit Despatch Request
Document Garment Kit Despatch Request
Description Despatch request of a garment kit sent by an Apparel Producer to a Logistic Operator or Fabric Producer or Controller
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type "GARMENT KIT DESPATCH REQUEST”, providing all the instruction required for its use in any context of e-commerce between Apparel Producers and other actors that will send the kits on their behalf.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
In this scenario, the Fabric Producers agree to send fabrics and accessories ordered by the Apparel Producer to a Logistics Company or directly to the Apparel Subcontractor specified by the Apparel Producer.
The Apparel Producer send a Despatch Request of the "kit" to the Fabric Producer o to the Logistics company so that it can make the "groupage (fabric, buttons, fastners…) and send it to the specified Subcontractor.
At this point, the Logistics company (or the Fabric Producer acting as) send the Despatch Advise to the Apparel Producer to confirm the shipping; the same document is sent to the Subcontractor to anticipate the information about the material it will receive.
This document is relative to the Despatch Request of the "kit" and can concern one or several Subcontractors.
The basic principles are:
- one line item must correspond to one "kit" and one Subcontractor
- every kit is made of one or more fabrics of which the single pieces can be identified, plus several accessories
- as for the roles: the Apparel Producer is "buyer", the Logistics company is "supplier" and the Subcontractor is "third party"
Credits This XML document has been realized by Guido Cucchiara, PROGEMA - Gruppo SOI, supported by Thomas Imolesi and Arianna Brutti, XML-Lab (initiative of ENEA and Forum per la Tecnologia dell'Informazione). Other participants: Gustavo Cametti (Lanificio Piacenza), Massimo Perona (Domina srl), Piero De Sabbata e Piergiorgio Censoni (ENEA) The MODA-ML project is supported in the Fifth Framework programme by the European Commission in the IST initiative (IST Take Up Actions, action line 2.5) and is included in the cluster of projects about Agents and Middleware Technologies EUTIST-AMI (IST-2000-28221, More informations can be acquired in
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G019
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_Despatchoffabricswithgroupage
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Fabric supply  

Document Garment Stock Offer
Document Garment Stock Offer
Description On-line sales offer of garment stock
Release date 18/11/2011
The document Garment Stock Offer can be used for the electronic transmission of stock data from the Trade organisation or the Garment company into the e-Stockflow service.
The document is issued by the Trade organisation or the Garment company to create an offer of garment stock through the e-Stockflow service.
Each document line must deal with one stock item in one definite location.
The description of the stock item includes the classification per category and sex and the assortment of color/sizes.
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G029
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • On line stock service  

Document Garment Stock Offer Change
Document Garment Stock Offer Change
Description Change of an On-line sales offer of garment stock
Release date 18/11/2011
The document Garment Stock OfferChange can be used for the electronic transmission from the Trade organisation or the Garment company of modifications of the stock data already into the e-Stockflow service.
The document is issued by the Trade organisation or the Garment company to modify an offer of garment stock through the e-Stockflow service.
Each document line must refer to one line of a former "Stock Offer", that can be cancelled (attribute "act" = A) or modified (attribute "act" = V); in the latter case the definition and classification of the article, the new assortment color/size as well as the new quantity and/or price should be specified
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G030
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • On line stock service  

Document Garment Stock Offer Status
Document Garment Stock Offer Status
Description Status of an on-line sales Offer of garment stock
Release date 18/11/2011
The document Garment Stock Offer Status can be used as Response to the Offer, notifying the Client of the loading and of the status of the Offer (.
dealing, sold, withdrawn, ..etc..).
The document is issued by the e-Stockflow Service Provider to respond to an Offer of garment stock or to notify the status of the Offer.
Each document line must refer to one line of a former "Stock Offer", of which is notified either the loading or the following development of the dealing
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G063
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • On line stock service  

Document General purpose request
Document General purpose request
Description Request for a specific electronic document as indicated in the instance
Release date 18/11/2011
Scope This document is used to solicit the sending of a document when this is produced only on request (e.g.: the Order Status)
Generalities -
Credits -
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G039
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Knitwear subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Knitting-Clothing Commission Order
Document Knitting-Clothing Commission Order
Description Knitting/clothing commission order
Release date 18/11/2011
Scope to be defined
The knitting-clothing commisio is used by the Knitwear or Clothing Company to commit to a Sub-contractor the manufacturing of knitwear or clothing articles

Each commission order can include one or more operations of the manufacturing cycle, each one correspondind to a line item

The document can be used either to order the manufacturing of finished goods or of component parts of them.

When the Commissioner orders a sequence of operations to different Sub-contractors, he can use this document also to dispose the delivering of semifinished goods from one Sub-contractor to the next.
This document specifies only the technology (when necessary) and the characteristics of the final product and of the initial goods (components) to be used in the manufacturing

The output product specified in each line item can be the inputcomponent in a following line item also in the same Commission order.
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G040
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Knitwear subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Knitting-Clothing Order Status
Document Knitting-Clothing Order Status
Description Knitting/Clothing Order status
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Apparel (Knitting/Clothing) sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type "KNITTING/CLOTHING ORDER STATUS REPORT”, providing all the instruction required for its use in any context of e-commerce between Apparel Producers and their Subcontractors.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The message is issued by the Subcontractor to report to his Client (Apparel Producer) the status of his Commission Orders and the updated delivery dates, with the possibility of splitting an order line into several consignements.
The message may concern all the articles ordered (Type = H "historic"), all the articles ordered and not yet delivered (type = C "complete") or just the articles in the “ready for shipment” status (type = S "for shipping").
For each article, the status report can be consolidated or partial for each Order line.
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G041
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Knitwear subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Piece control Order
Document Piece control Order
Description Document sent by the Fabric Buyer to the Textile Controller to specify the type of inspection requested for the fabric piece (usually indicated by means of an "inspection code")
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “PIECE CONTROL ORDER”, providing all the instruction required for its use in any context of e-commerce between Fabric Buyers and Textile Controllers.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The document "Piece Control Orderr" is used by the Fabric Buyer to specify the type of inspection and accessory treatments requested for each fabric piece.
The Order can refer to one or more pieces and can be used either in conjunction with the "Textile Despatch Advise" (1 DA : 1 Order) or indipendently.
In the first instance the reference to the Despatch Advise must be given in the Header; in the second each piece can have at item level its reference to the document with which it was registered by the Controller.
Each line item refers to one fabric piece and indicates the inspection code and the ultimate receiver of the piece.
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G062
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Fabric supply  

Document Raw material Despatch Advice
Document Raw material Despatch Advice
Description Despatch advise of the raw material to be transformed
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “RAW MATERIAL DESPATCH ADVISE”, providing all the instruction required for its use in any context of e-commerce between Yarn Producers (or Subcontractors) and their Clients.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
Document usable by the Commissioner to inform the Subcontractor about the shipment of raw material to be worked
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G042
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Yarn subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Raw material Dyeing commission Order
Document Raw material Dyeing commission Order
Description Dyeing commission Order for a raw material
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “RAW MATERIAL DYEING COMMISSION ORDER”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce between Dyeing Subcontractors and their Customers shown in the enclosed diagram
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The Raw material Dyeing commission order is used by a Yarn Manufacturer to commit to a Subcontractor the dyeing of a raw material required to transform the material into yarn usable for fabric production. This work order can include one or several operations of the dyeing cycle.
When the Issuer of the Commission requires different manufacturing operations in sequence to different Subcontractors, he can used this document not only as work order but also as a despatch order to send the semi-finished product to a successive Subcontractor
As a general rule, the Raw material dyeing commission order specifies only the characteristics of the end product of each operation and specifies the components used to manufacture that product
It must be noted that this end product can be, in turn, a component for a successive manufacturing operation
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G046
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Yarn subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Raw material dyeing Offer
Document Raw material dyeing Offer
Description Offer from Subcontractor for the Dyeing of raw material
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “RAW MATERIAL DYEING OFFER”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce between Subcontractors and their Customers shown in the enclosed diagram
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The Offer is used by a Subcontractor to respond to the Request of a Yarn Manufacturer for the dyeing of a raw material.
The Offer is structured in four levels:
Macro-type of Work offered = document root (7 types of Request)
Product Family = document qualifier (type of product with reference to the manufacturing process; e.g.: combed yarn, jacquard weaved fabric, ..)
Product Specifications = "xxxSpecs" (technical characteristics and properties of the product)
Operations offered = "XXXMnfrOperation" (details of the works requested)
Quantities, unit measures and prices must be referred to the third level (Line Item)
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G054
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Yarn subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Raw material dyeing Order Change
Document Raw material dyeing Order Change
Description Change to the Dyeing commission Order for a raw material
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “RAW MATERIAL DYEING ORDER CHANGE”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce between Dyeing Subcontractors and their Customers shown in the enclosed diagram
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The Commissioner sends to the Subcontractor a Raw material dyeing Order Change any time he must modify some conditions of his previous Order (eg. to suspend operations already ordered) or amend errors.
Basic function of the message is to replace an invalid Order with a valid Order, amending:
- suppliable quantities
- dates and places of delivery
- prices
The Order Change can show a number of lines different from the related Purchase Order, when variations/cancellations have occurred so as to create the splitting of an Order Line.
However the sum of the quantities of the lines in the Order Change (confirmed + varied + cancelled) must alway equal the sum of the quantities in the original Order.
Credits GC
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G067
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Yarn subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Raw material dyeing Order Response
Document Raw material dyeing Order Response
Description Response to the Dyeing commission Order for a raw material
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “RAW MATERIAL DYEING ORDER RESPONSE”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce between Dyeing Subcontractors and their Customers shown in the enclosed diagram
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The message is issued by the Subcontractor in response to a raw material dyeing commission order.
The Subcontractor should return an Order Response for any Order received, where, for each item, he notifies the acceptance as it is (C), the variation (V) or the cancellation (A).
Basic function of the message is to notify acceptance or to request modifications or cancellations concerning:
1) suppliable quantities
2) dates and places of delivery
3) prices
The Order Response can show a number of lines different from the related Commission Order, when variations/cancellations have occurred so as to create the splitting of an Order Line.
However the sum of the quantities of the lines in the Order Response (accepted + varied + cancelled) must always equal the sum of the quantities in the Order.
Credits GC
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G066
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Yarn subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Raw material Dyeing Request
Document Raw material Dyeing Request
Description Request to Subcontractor for the Dyeing of raw material
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “RAW MATERIAL DYEING REQUEST”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce between Subcontractors and their Customers shown in the enclosed diagram
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The Request is used by a Yarn Manufacturer to request from a Subcontractor an Offer for the dyeing of a raw material.
The Request is structured in four levels:
Macro-type of Work Requested = document root (7 types of Request)
Product Family = document qualifier (type of product with reference to the manufacturing process; e.g.: combed yarn, jacquard weaved fabric, ..)
Product Specifications = "xxxSpecs" (technical characteristics and properties of the product)
Operations requested 0 "XXXMnfrOperation" (details of the works requested)
Quantities, unit measures and prices must be referred to the third level (Line Item)
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G047
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Yarn subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Raw material in work Inventory report
Document Raw material in work Inventory report
Description Inventory report of the raw material in work
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “RAW MATERIAL IN WORK INVENTORY REPORT”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce in the Textile industry, as shown in the enclosed diagrams.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The present document can be used by a Subcontractor to inform his Client (Commission issuer), periodically or on demand, about the quantity of pre-works or in-work raw material items (Client's property) stocked at the Subcontractor's premises.
This inventory may refer to all the goods of one Commission issuer or just to those related to one Commission order; item quantities may be subdivided by type of stock and physical location.
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G065
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Yarn subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Raw material order status
Document Raw material order status
Description Order status report for works on the raw material
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type "RAW MATERIAL ORDER STATUS REPORT”, providing all the instruction required for its use in any context of e-commerce between the Yarn Producers (or their Subcontractors) and their Customers.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The message is issued to report to the Client the status of his Orders and the updated dates of delivery, with the possibility of splitting the order line into several consignements.
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G064
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Yarn subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Receiving Advice
Document Receiving Advice
Description Receiving Advise of the goods received upon purchase or for commissioned works
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “RECEIVING ADVISE”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce in the Textile industry, as shown in the enclosed diagrams.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The Receiving Advise can be used by the Receiver of goods (purchased or received for commissioned works) either to confirm the regular receipt of goods or to notify discrepancies between what was declared by the Sender and what was received and accepted.
The present document must always be used in coupling with the Despatch Advise document.
It is recommended to issue one Receiving Advise against one Despatch Advise
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G025
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Fabric subcontracted darning  
  • Fabric subcontracted manufacturing  
  • Fabric supply  
  • Knitwear subcontracted manufacturing  
  • Yarn subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Spinnig Order Response
Document Spinnig Order Response
Description Response to the Spinnig Order
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “SPINNIG ORDER RESPONSE”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce between Dyeing Subcontractors and their Customers shown in the enclosed diagram
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The message is issued by the Subcontractor in response to a raw material spinning commission order.
The Subcontractor should return an Order Response for any Order received, where, for each item, he notifies the acceptance as it is (C), the variation (V) or the cancellation (A).
Basic function of the message is to notify acceptance or to request modifications or cancellations concerning:
1) suppliable quantities
2) dates and places of delivery
3) prices
The Order Response can show a number of lines different from the related Commission Order, when variations/cancellations have occurred so as to create the splitting of an Order Line.
However the sum of the quantities of the lines in the Order Response (accepted + varied + cancelled) must always equal the sum of the quantities in the Order.
Credits GC
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G070
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Yarn subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Spinning Commission Order
Document Spinning Commission Order
Description Spinning commission Order for a raw material
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “SPINNING COMMISSION ORDER”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce between Yarn Subcontractors and their Customers shown in the enclosed diagram.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The Spinning Commission Order is used by a Yarn Manufacturer to commit to a Subcontractor the spinning of raw material required to transform the material into yarn usable for fabric production. This work Order can also include one or several operations on the raw material (see Table T200).
When the Issuer of the Commission requires different manufacturing operations in sequence to different Subcontractors, he can used this document not only as work order but also as a despatch order to send the semi-finished product to a successive Subcontractor
As a general rule, the Spinning Commission Order specifies only the manufacturing technology (if required) and the characteristics of the end product of each operation and specifies the components used to manufacture that product
It must be noted that this end product can be, in turn, a component for a successive manufacturing operation
The definition of any "manufacturing parameters" is left to the Subcontractor; sometimes however these parameters can be specified by the Issuer of the Commission itself, that can define machines and machine parameters in the Commission Order
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G045
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Yarn subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Spinning Offer
Document Spinning Offer
Description Offer from Subcontractor for the spinning of raw material
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “SPINNING OFFER”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce between Subcontractors and their Customers shown in the enclosed diagram
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The Offer is used by a Subcontractor to respond to the Request of a Yarn Manufacturer for the spinning of a raw material.
The Offer is structured in four levels:
Macro-type of Work offered = document root (7 types of Request)
Product Family = document qualifier (type of product with reference to the manufacturing process; e.g.: combed yarn, jacquard weaved fabric, ..)
Product Specifications = "xxxSpecs" (technical characteristics and properties of the product)
Operations offered = "XXXMnfrOperation" (details of the works requested)
Quantities, unit measures and prices must be referred to the third level (Line Item)
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G056
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Yarn subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Spinning Order Change
Document Spinning Order Change
Description Change to the Spinning commission Order
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “SPINNING ORDER CHANGE”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce between Dyeing Subcontractors and their Customers shown in the enclosed diagram
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The Commissioner sends to the Subcontractor a spinning Order Change any time he must modify some conditions of his previous Order (eg. to suspend operations already ordered) or amend errors.
Basic function of the message is to replace an invalid Order with a valid Order, amending:
- suppliable quantities
- dates and places of delivery
- prices
The Order Change can show a number of lines different from the related Purchase Order, when variations/cancellations have occurred so as to create the splitting of an Order Line.
However the sum of the quantities of the lines in the Order Change (confirmed + varied + cancelled) must alway equal the sum of the quantities in the original Order.
Credits GC
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G055
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Yarn subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Spinning Request
Document Spinning Request
Description Request to Subcontractor for Spinning
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document "SPINNING REQUEST”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce between Subcontractors and their Customers shown in the enclosed diagram
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The Request is used by a Yarn Manufacturer to request from a Subcontractor an Offer for the spinning of a raw material.
The Request is structured in four levels:
Macro-type of Work Requested = document root (7 types of Request)
Product Family = document qualifier (type of product with reference to the manufacturing process; e.g.: combed yarn, jacquard weaved fabric, ..)
Product Specifications = "xxxSpecs" (technical characteristics and properties of the product)
Operations requested 0
"XXXMnfrOperation" (details of the works requested
Quantities, unit measures and prices must be referred to the third level (Line Item)
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G048
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Yarn subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Textile catalogue
Document Textile catalogue
Description Trade document containing the prices and the technical properties of the Textile articles offered by the manufacturer.
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “Textile CATALOGUE”, providing all the instruction required for its use in any context of e-commerce between Apparel Producers and Fabric Producers.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
This document is usable less for a sales catalogue than to exchange in advance the product data between the Supplier and the Customer, in order to synchronize their product data-bases.
It lists the articles composing the Fabric Producer's offer (codes, descriptions, prices and sales conditions) and can include some of the technical data (composition, weight and width, construction specifications, …).
Credits This XML document has been realized by Guido Cucchiara, PROGEMA - Gruppo SOI, supported by Thomas Imolesi and Arianna Brutti, XML-Lab (initiative of ENEA and Forum per la Tecnologia dell'Informazione). Other participants: Alessandro Barberis Canonico (Lanificio Vitale Barberis Canonico), Albino Botto Poala (Lanificio Successori Reda), Gustavo Cametti (Lanificio Piacenza), Massimo Perona (Domina srl), Piero De Sabbata e Piergiorgio Censoni (ENEA) Gianfranco Irico (Lanificio Loro Piana), Luca Mainetti (Politecnico di Milano, Hypermedia Open center), Federico Tamburini e Ivano Begnozzi (Fratelli Corneliani). The MODA-ML project is supported in the Fifth Framework programme by the European Commission in the IST initiative (IST Take Up Actions, action line 2.5) and is included in the cluster of projects about Agents and Middleware Technologies EUTIST-AMI (IST-2000-28221, More informations can be acquired in
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G009
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_Choiceoffabrics
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Fabric supply  

Document Textile Collection Forecast
Document Textile Collection Forecast
Description Document used by the Apparel Producer to inform the Fabric Producer about the articles of his interest or expected supply and foreseen volumes of production (no details on colours and variants)
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “Textile COLLECTION FORECAST”, providing all the instruction required for its use in any context of e-commerce between Apparel Producers and Fabric Producers.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The document "Textile Collection Forecast" is used to notify to the Fabric Producerr the articles of his Offer that are considered for future acquisition or use in the Season Collection. The same document can also be used by the Client to request the Fabric Technical Sheet and/or notify his article code to the Producer.
Each article notified must be identified at SKU level by the Supplier's code. An estimated quantity can be supplied only for information.

In some business scenarios this message may be used to notify the Textile Controller about the fabric artcles he will inspect in the season
Credits This XML document has been realized by Guido Cucchiara, PROGEMA - Gruppo SOI, supported by Thomas Imolesi and Arianna Brutti, XML-Lab (initiative of ENEA and Forum per la Tecnologia dell'Informazione). Other participants: Alessandro Barberis Canonico (Lanificio Vitale Barberis Canonico), Albino Botto Poala (Lanificio Successori Reda), Gustavo Cametti (Lanificio Piacenza), Massimo Perona (Domina srl), Piero De Sabbata e Piergiorgio Censoni (ENEA) Gianfranco Irico (Lanificio Loro Piana), Luca Mainetti (Politecnico di Milano, Hypermedia Open center), Federico Tamburini e Ivano Begnozzi (Fratelli Corneliani). The MODA-ML project is supported in the Fifth Framework programme by the European Commission in the IST initiative (IST Take Up Actions, action line 2.5) and is included in the cluster of projects about Agents and Middleware Technologies EUTIST-AMI (IST-2000-28221, More informations can be acquired in
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G010
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_Choiceoffabrics
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Fabric supply  

Document Textile Darn Order
Document Textile Darn Order
Description Document sent by the Fabric Producer to the Darn Subcontractor to request the darning services (reports the list of the darning operations and related information for each)
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “Textile DARN ORDER”, providing all the instruction required for its use in any context of e-commerce between Fabric Producers and Darn Subcontractors.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The document "Textile Darn Order" is used by the Fabric Producer to specify the darning operations required on each fabric piece and possibly the standard (or maximum) worktimes allowed with the related prices.
The Order can refer to one or more pieces and can be used either in conjunction with the "Textile Despatch Advise" (1 DA : 1 Order) or indipendently.
In the first instance the reference to the Despatch Advise must be given in the Header; in the second each piece can have at item level its reference to the transport document with which was sent to the Subcontractor.

The Job cost can be calculated from a metre rate or from an hourly rate times a given operation time or from a combination of both.
Credits This XML document has been realized by Guido Cucchiara, PROGEMA - Gruppo SOI, supported by Thomas Imolesi and Arianna Brutti, XML-Lab (initiative of ENEA and Forum per la Tecnologia dell'Informazione). Other participants: Alessandro Barberis Canonico (Lanificio Vitale Barberis Canonico), Albino Botto Poala e Roberto Miari (Lanificio Successori Reda), Giovanni Crestani (Robinson), Gustavo Cametti (Lanificio Piacenza), Massimo Perona (Domina srl), Piero De Sabbata e Piergiorgio Censoni (ENEA) Gianfranco Irico (Lanificio Loro Piana), Luca Mainetti (Politecnico di Milano, Hypermedia Open center), Federico Tamburini e Ivano Begnozzi (Fratelli Corneliani). The MODA-ML project is supported in the Fifth Framework programme by the European Commission in the IST initiative (IST Take Up Actions, action line 2.5) and is included in the cluster of projects about Agents and Middleware Technologies EUTIST-AMI (IST-2000-28221, More informations can be acquired in
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G012
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_Fabricdarning
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Fabric subcontracted darning  

Document Textile Darn Return
Document Textile Darn Return
Description Document that the Fabric Producer receives from the Darn Subcontractor to notify the execution of the darning services
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “Textile DARN RETURN”, providing all the instruction required for its use in any context of e-commerce between Fabric Producers and Darn Subcontractors.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The document "Textile Darn Return" is used by the Darn Subcontractor to specify the darning operations performed on each fabric piece and possibly the worktimes invoiced.
The document can refer to one or more pieces and can be used either in conjunction with the "Textile Despatch Advise" (1 DA : 1 Return) or indipendently.
In the first instance the reference to the Despatch Advise must be given in the Header; in the second each piece can have at item level its reference to the transport document with which was returned to the Client.
The Job cost reporting can be calculated from a metre rate or from an hourly rate times a given operation time or from a combination of both.
Credits This XML document has been realized by Guido Cucchiara, PROGEMA - Gruppo SOI, supported by Thomas Imolesi and Arianna Brutti, XML-Lab (initiative of ENEA and Forum per la Tecnologia dell'Informazione). Other participants: Alessandro Barberis Canonico (Lanificio Vitale Barberis Canonico), Albino Botto Poala e Roberto Miari (Lanificio Successori Reda), Giovanni Crestani (Robinson), Gustavo Cametti (Lanificio Piacenza), Massimo Perona (Domina srl), Piero De Sabbata e Piergiorgio Censoni (ENEA) Gianfranco Irico (Lanificio Loro Piana), Luca Mainetti (Politecnico di Milano, Hypermedia Open center), Federico Tamburini e Ivano Begnozzi (Fratelli Corneliani). The MODA-ML project is supported in the Fifth Framework programme by the European Commission in the IST initiative (IST Take Up Actions, action line 2.5) and is included in the cluster of projects about Agents and Middleware Technologies EUTIST-AMI (IST-2000-28221, More informations can be acquired in
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G013
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_Fabricdarning
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Fabric subcontracted darning  

Document Textile Despatch advice
Document Textile Despatch advice
Description Advice for despatch of fabric sent by the Supplier
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “Textile DESPATCH ADVISE”, providing all the instruction required for its use in any context of e-commerce between Apparel Producers, Fabric Producers and their Subcontractors.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implentation guide".
The message is issued to anticipate the details the articles actually despatched. The same message can be used with the client for sale and with the subcontractor for working operation (eg. darn disposition).

This document can be used:
- as a standard despatch advice
- as a pre-despatch notification of the goods that are to be despatched.
Each document item must correspond with a well defined fabric article (article + pattern + color) and must identify the actual pieces that make it up; for each item is possible to reference the Order line that is delivered.
Credits This XML document has been realized by Guido Cucchiara, PROGEMA - Gruppo SOI, supported by Thomas Imolesi and Arianna Brutti, XML-Lab (initiative of ENEA and Forum per la Tecnologia dell'Informazione). Other participants: Alessandro Barberis Canonico (Lanificio Vitale Barberis Canonico), Albino Botto Poala (Lanificio Successori Reda), Gustavo Cametti (Lanificio Piacenza), Massimo Perona (Domina srl), Piero De Sabbata e Piergiorgio Censoni (ENEA) Gianfranco Irico (Lanificio Loro Piana), Luca Mainetti (Politecnico di Milano, Hypermedia Open center), Federico Tamburini e Ivano Begnozzi (Fratelli Corneliani). The MODA-ML project is supported in the Fifth Framework programme by the European Commission in the IST initiative (IST Take Up Actions, action line 2.5) and is included in the cluster of projects about Agents and Middleware Technologies EUTIST-AMI (IST-2000-28221, More informations can be acquired in
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G006
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_QualitycheckandDespatchoffabrics
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Fabric subcontracted darning  
  • Fabric subcontracted manufacturing  
  • Fabric supply  

Document Textile Despatch Request
Document Textile Despatch Request
Description Request for despatch of fabric (allows to specificy destination and delivery date)
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “Textile DESPATCH REQUEST”, providing all the instruction required for its use in any context of e-commerce between Apparel Producers, Fabric Producers and their Subcontractors.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The message is issued to plan the delivery of the fabric pieces that are in the "ready for despatch" status (see the document "Textile Order Status").
This document enables the Buyer to modify some date of its Order (delivery dates and places)

This document can be used:
- as a standard despatch request
- as a despatch request that, at the same time, cancels a previous request referenced there in

Each document item must correspond with a well defined fabric article (article + pattern + color) and for each item is possible to reference the Order line that is delivered.
Credits This XML document has been realized by Guido Cucchiara, PROGEMA - Gruppo SOI, supported by Thomas Imolesi and Arianna Brutti, XML-Lab (initiative of ENEA and Forum per la Tecnologia dell'Informazione). Other participants: Alessandro Barberis Canonico (Lanificio Vitale Barberis Canonico), Albino Botto Poala (Lanificio Successori Reda), Gustavo Cametti (Lanificio Piacenza), Massimo Perona (Domina srl), Piero De Sabbata e Piergiorgio Censoni (ENEA) Gianfranco Irico (Lanificio Loro Piana), Luca Mainetti (Politecnico di Milano, Hypermedia Open center), Federico Tamburini e Ivano Begnozzi (Fratelli Corneliani). The MODA-ML project is supported in the Fifth Framework programme by the European Commission in the IST initiative (IST Take Up Actions, action line 2.5) and is included in the cluster of projects about Agents and Middleware Technologies EUTIST-AMI (IST-2000-28221, More informations can be acquired in
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G005
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_QualitycheckandDespatchoffabrics
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Fabric subcontracted darning  
  • Fabric subcontracted manufacturing  
  • Fabric supply  

Document Textile Dyeing-Finishing Offer
Document Textile Dyeing-Finishing Offer
Description Offer from Subcontractor for the dyeing/finishing of fabric
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “TEXTILE DYEING/FINISHING OFFER”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce between Subcontractors and their Customers shown in the enclosed diagram
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The Offer is used by a Subcontractor to respond to the Request of a Fabric Manufacturer for the dyeing/finishing of a fabric.
The Offer is structured in four levels:
Macro-type of Work offered = document root (7 types of Request)
Product Family = document qualifier (type of product with reference to the manufacturing process; e.g.: combed yarn, jacquard weaved fabric, ..)
Product Specifications = "xxxSpecs" (technical characteristics and properties of the product)
Operations offered = "XXXMnfrOperation" (details of the works requested)
Quantities, unit measures and prices must be referred to the third level (Line Item)
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G061
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Fabric subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Textile Dyeing-Finishing Order
Document Textile Dyeing-Finishing Order
Description Dyeing-finishing Order commissioned to a Subcontractor (contains the parameters and the sequence of the operations to be performed)
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “TEXTILE DYEING-FINISHING ORDER”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce between Fabric Producers and their Subcontractors shown in the enclosed diagram.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The Textile Dyeing-Finishing Order is issued when a Contractor commits to a Subcontractor a work required to transform a fabric material into something usable for apparel production. This work Order can include one or several operations of the fabric manufacturing cycle specifying their sequence.
Credits This XML document has been realized with the support of TQR Consortium by Guido Cucchiara, PROGEMA - Gruppo SOI, supported by Thomas Imolesi and Arianna Brutti, XML-Lab (initiative of ENEA and Forum per la Tecnologia dell'Informazione). Other participants: Gustavo Cametti (Lanificio Piacenza), Massimo Perona (Domina srl), Piero De Sabbata e Piergiorgio Censoni (ENEA) The MODA-ML project is supported in the Fifth Framework programme by the European Commission in the IST initiative (IST Take Up Actions, action line 2.5) and is included in the cluster of projects about Agents and Middleware Technologies EUTIST-AMI (IST-2000-28221, More informations can be acquired in
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G017
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_Subcontractedfabricdyeing
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Fabric subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Textile Dyeing-Finishing Request
Document Textile Dyeing-Finishing Request
Description Request to Subcontractor for textile Dyeing/Finishing
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document "TEXTILE DYEING/FINISHING REQUEST”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce between Subcontractors and their Customers shown in the enclosed diagram
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The Request is used by a Yarn Manufacturer to request from a Subcontractor an Offer for the dyeing/finishing of fabric.
The Request is structured in four levels:
Macro-type of Work Requested = document root (7 types of Request)
Product Family = document qualifier (type of product with reference to the manufacturing process; e.g.: combed yarn, jacquard weaved fabric, ..)
Product Specifications = "xxxSpecs" (technical characteristics and properties of the product
Operations requested 0 "XXXMnfrOperation" (details of the works requested)
Quantities, unit measures and prices must be referred to the third level (Line Item)
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G053
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Fabric subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Textile in work Inventory report
Document Textile in work Inventory report
Description Inventory report of Textile in work
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “TEXTILE IN WORK INVENTORY REPORT”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce in the Textile industry, as shown in the enclosed diagrams.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The present document can be used by a Subcontractor to inform his Client (Commission issuer), periodically or on demand, about the quantity of pre-works or in-work Textile items (Client's property) stocked at the Subcontractor's premises.
This inventory may refer to all the goods of one Commission issuer or just to those related to one Commission order; item quantities may be subdivided by type of stock and physical location.
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G027
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Fabric subcontracted darning  
  • Fabric subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Textile Invoice
Document Textile Invoice
Description Invoice used to debit supplies and works or miscellaneous services in the Textile-Clothing industry
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “Textile INVOICE”, providing all the instruction required for its use in any context of e-commerce between Apparel Producers and Fabric Producers.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The document "Textile invoice" can be used to debit the Client for any kind of supply or service.
This document can be used to debit standard supply using the option "texItem", and additional goods or services using the option "prodServItem", even in the same invoice.
The use of quantity and unit price is mandatory only with "texItem".
Credits This XML document has been realized by Guido Cucchiara, PROGEMA - Gruppo SOI, supported by Thomas Imolesi and Arianna Brutti, XML-Lab (initiative of ENEA and Forum per la Tecnologia dell'Informazione). Other participants: Alessandro Barberis Canonico (Lanificio Vitale Barberis Canonico), Albino Botto Poala (Lanificio Successori Reda), Gustavo Cametti (Lanificio Piacenza), Massimo Perona (Domina srl), Piero De Sabbata e Piergiorgio Censoni (ENEA) Gianfranco Irico (Lanificio Loro Piana), Luca Mainetti (Politecnico di Milano, Hypermedia Open center), Federico Tamburini e Ivano Begnozzi (Fratelli Corneliani). The MODA-ML project is supported in the Fifth Framework programme by the European Commission in the IST initiative (IST Take Up Actions, action line 2.5) and is included in the cluster of projects about Agents and Middleware Technologies EUTIST-AMI (IST-2000-28221, More informations can be acquired in
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G011
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_QualitycheckandDespatchoffabrics
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Fabric supply  
  • Knitwear subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Textile Order change
Document Textile Order change
Description Order Change sent to the Fabric Producer (allows to change destination, quantity, delivery date)
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “Textile ORDER CHANGE”, providing all the instruction required for its use in any context of e-commerce between Apparel Producers and Fabric Producers.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The Apparel Producer sends to the Fabric Producer an Order Change any time he must modify some conditions of his previous Order (eg. to cancel items not delivered in time) or amend errors (eg. invalid prices).

Basic function of the message is to replace an invalid Order with a valid Order, amending:

- suppliable quantities
- dates and places of delivery
- prices

The Order Change can show a number of lines different from the related Purchase Order, when variations/cancellations have occurred so as to create the splitting of an Order Line.
However the sum of the quantities of the lines in the Order Change (confirmed + varied + cancelled) must alway equal the sum of the quantities in the original Order.
Credits This XML document has been realized by Guido Cucchiara, PROGEMA - Gruppo SOI, supported by Thomas Imolesi and Arianna Brutti, XML-Lab (initiative of ENEA and Forum per la Tecnologia dell'Informazione). Other participants: Alessandro Barberis Canonico (Lanificio Vitale Barberis Canonico), Albino Botto Poala (Lanificio Successori Reda), Gustavo Cametti (Lanificio Piacenza), Massimo Perona (Domina srl), Piero De Sabbata e Piergiorgio Censoni (ENEA) Gianfranco Irico (Lanificio Loro Piana), Luca Mainetti (Politecnico di Milano, Hypermedia Open center), Federico Tamburini e Ivano Begnozzi (Fratelli Corneliani). The MODA-ML project is supported in the Fifth Framework programme by the European Commission in the IST initiative (IST Take Up Actions, action line 2.5) and is included in the cluster of projects about Agents and Middleware Technologies EUTIST-AMI (IST-2000-28221, More informations can be acquired in
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G004
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_Purchaseoffabrics
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Fabric supply  

Document Textile Order Response
Document Textile Order Response
Description Order Response sent by the Fabric Producer (enables changes to the order).
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “Textile ORDER RESPONSE ”, providing all the instruction required for its use in any context of e-commerce between Apparel Producers and Fabric Producers.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The message is issued by the Fabric Producer in response to a purchase order.
The Producer must, in any case, return an Order Response for any Order received, where, for each item, he notifies the acceptance as it is (C), the variation (V) or the cancellation (A).
Basic function of the message is to notify acceptance or to request modifications or cancellations concerning:

1) suppliable quantities
2) dates and places of delivery
3) prices

The Order Response can show a number of lines different from the related Purchase Order, when variations/cancellations have occurred so as to create the splitting of an Order Line.
However the sum of the quantities of the lines in the Order Response (accepted + varied + cancelled) must always equal the sum of the quantities in the Order.
Credits This XML document has been realized by Guido Cucchiara, PROGEMA - Gruppo SOI, supported by Thomas Imolesi and Arianna Brutti, XML-Lab (initiative of ENEA and Forum per la Tecnologia dell'Informazione). Other participants: Alessandro Barberis Canonico (Lanificio Vitale Barberis Canonico), Albino Botto Poala (Lanificio Successori Reda), Gustavo Cametti (Lanificio Piacenza), Massimo Perona (Domina srl), Piero De Sabbata e Piergiorgio Censoni (ENEA) Gianfranco Irico (Lanificio Loro Piana), Luca Mainetti (Politecnico di Milano, Hypermedia Open center), Federico Tamburini e Ivano Begnozzi (Fratelli Corneliani). The MODA-ML project is supported in the Fifth Framework programme by the European Commission in the IST initiative (IST Take Up Actions, action line 2.5) and is included in the cluster of projects about Agents and Middleware Technologies EUTIST-AMI (IST-2000-28221, More informations can be acquired in
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G002
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_Purchaseoffabrics
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Fabric supply  

Document Textile Order status report
Document Textile Order status report
Description Report of the Order status of fabric (informs about the foreseen delivery date)
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type "Textile ORDER STATUS REPORT”, providing all the instruction required for its use in any context of e-commerce between Apparel Producers and Fabric Producers.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The message is issued by the Fabric Producer to report to his Client the status of his Orders and the updated delivery dates, with the possibility of splitting an order line into several consignements.
The message may concern all the articles ordered (Type = H "historic"), all the articles ordered and not yet delivered (type = C "complete") or just the articles in the “ready for shipment” status (type = S "for shipping").
The status report can be given for each article or for each Order line.
Credits This XML document has been realized by Guido Cucchiara, PROGEMA - Gruppo SOI, supported by Thomas Imolesi and Arianna Brutti, XML-Lab (initiative of ENEA and Forum per la Tecnologia dell'Informazione). Other participants: Alessandro Barberis Canonico (Lanificio Vitale Barberis Canonico), Albino Botto Poala (Lanificio Successori Reda), Gustavo Cametti (Lanificio Piacenza), Massimo Perona (Domina srl), Piero De Sabbata e Piergiorgio Censoni (ENEA) Gianfranco Irico (Lanificio Loro Piana), Luca Mainetti (Politecnico di Milano, Hypermedia Open center), Federico Tamburini e Ivano Begnozzi (Fratelli Corneliani). The MODA-ML project is supported in the Fifth Framework programme by the European Commission in the IST initiative (IST Take Up Actions, action line 2.5) and is included in the cluster of projects about Agents and Middleware Technologies EUTIST-AMI (IST-2000-28221, More informations can be acquired in
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G003
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_Purchaseoffabrics
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Fabric subcontracted manufacturing  
  • Fabric supply  

Document Textile printing commission order
Document Textile printing commission order
Description Printing commission order for a fabric
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “TEXTILE PRINTING COMMISSION ORDER”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce between Textile Subcontractors and their Customers shown in the enclosed diagram.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The Printing commission order is used by a Fabric Manufacturer to commit to a Subcontractor the printing of fabric.

When the Issuer of the Commission requires different manufacturing operations in sequence to different Subcontractors, he can used this document not only as work order but also as a despatch order to send the semi-finished product to a successive Subcontractor
As a general rule, the Printing commission order specifies only the manufacturing technology (if required) and the characteristics of the end product of each operation and specifies the components used to manufacture that product

It must be noted that this end product can be, in turn, a component for a successive manufacturing operation
The definition of any "manufacturing parameters" is left to the Subcontractor; sometimes however these parameters can be specified by the Issuer of the Commission itself, that can define machines and machine parameters in the Commission Order
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G024
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Fabric subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Textile Purchase Order
Document Textile Purchase Order
Description Purchase order to the Fabric Producer.
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “Textile PURCHASE ORDER”, providing all the instruction required for its use in any context of e-commerce between Apparel Producers and Fabric Producers.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The message is issued by the Apparel Producer to purchase fabric articles.
Three types of order are possible:
- “standard”, when the order is completely defined
- “blanket”, when some of the data are left out for subsequent definition (eg. colour)
- “call off”, when it defines and closes a “blanket order”

The “standard” and the “call off” order is an authorization to ship and invoice well defined fabric articles in well defined quantities, dates, locations and prices.The “blanket” order provides the anticipation of some data to the supplier.
Credits This XML document has been realized by Guido Cucchiara, PROGEMA - Gruppo SOI, supported by Thomas Imolesi and Arianna Brutti, XML-Lab (initiative of ENEA and Forum per la Tecnologia dell'Informazione). Other participants: Alessandro Barberis Canonico (Lanificio Vitale Barberis Canonico), Albino Botto Poala (Lanificio Successori Reda), Gustavo Cametti (Lanificio Piacenza), Massimo Perona (Domina srl), Piero De Sabbata e Piergiorgio Censoni (ENEA) Gianfranco Irico (Lanificio Loro Piana), Luca Mainetti (Politecnico di Milano, Hypermedia Open center), Federico Tamburini e Ivano Begnozzi (Fratelli Corneliani). The MODA-ML project is supported in the Fifth Framework programme by the European Commission in the IST initiative (IST Take Up Actions, action line 2.5) and is included in the cluster of projects about Agents and Middleware Technologies EUTIST-AMI (IST-2000-28221, More informations can be acquired in
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G001
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_Purchaseoffabrics
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Fabric supply  

Document Textile Quality Report
Document Textile Quality Report
Description Quality report of the fabric piece (contains defects or non-conformances of the pieces, eventually the related bonuses)
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “Textile QUALITY REPORT”, providing all the instructions required for its use in any context of e-commerce between Apparel Producers and Fabric Producers.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The message is issued either by the Fabric Producer and/or by the Fabric Quality Controller as "quality certificate" of the fabric piece, mainly to anticipate the details on the existence, position and classification of faults in order to accelerate and improve the following apparel manufacturing.
Each document refers either to one piece of fabric, identified by its id. number (TQ type ="S"ingle) or to several pieces belonging to the same shipment (TQ type="M"ultiple) and likewise identified.

The following classes of data can be reported in the document:
- physical dimensions and overall allowance
- fabric faults and their positions
- test value of conformance to specifications and taylorability
- the reporting of the inspection.
Credits This XML document has been realized by Guido Cucchiara, PROGEMA - Gruppo SOI, supported by Thomas Imolesi and Arianna Brutti, XML-Lab (initiative of ENEA and Forum per la Tecnologia dell'Informazione). Other participants: Alessandro Barberis Canonico (Lanificio Vitale Barberis Canonico), Albino Botto Poala (Lanificio Successori Reda), Gustavo Cametti (Lanificio Piacenza), Massimo Perona (Domina srl), Piero De Sabbata e Piergiorgio Censoni (ENEA) Gianfranco Irico (Lanificio Loro Piana), Luca Mainetti (Politecnico di Milano, Hypermedia Open center), Federico Tamburini e Ivano Begnozzi (Fratelli Corneliani), Bruno Deni (, Maurizio Foglia Taverna, Emanuele Prella, Ermanni Rondi (Incas Group), D. Truffo ( . The MODA-ML project is supported in the Fifth Framework programme by the European Commission in the IST initiative (IST Take Up Actions, action line 2.5) and is included in the cluster of projects about Agents and Middleware Technologies EUTIST-AMI (IST-2000-28221, More informations can be acquired in
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G007
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_QualitycheckandDespatchoffabrics
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Fabric supply  

Document Twisting Offer
Document Twisting Offer
Description Offer from Subcontractor for the twisting of yarn
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “TWISTING OFFER”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce between Subcontractors and their Customers shown in the enclosed diagram
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The Offer is used by a Subcontractor to respond to the Request of a Yarn Manufacturer for the twisting of a yarn.
The Offer is structured in four levels:
Macro-type of Work offered = document root (7 types of Request)
Product Family = document qualifier (type of product with reference to the manufacturing process; e.g.: combed yarn, jacquard weaved fabric, ..)
Product Specifications = "xxxSpecs" (technical characteristics and properties of the product)
Operations offered = "XXXMnfrOperation" (details of the works requested)
Quantities, unit measures and prices must be referred to the third level (Line Item)
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G057
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Yarn subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Twisting Request
Document Twisting Request
Description Request to Subcontractor for Twisting
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document "TWISTING REQUEST”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce between Subcontractors and their Customers shown in the enclosed diagram
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The Request is used by a Yarn Manufacturer to request from a Subcontractor an Offer for the twisting of a yarn.
The Request is structured in four levels:
Macro-type of Work Requested = document root (7 types of Request)
Product Family = document qualifier (type of product with reference to the manufacturing process; e.g.: combed yarn, jacquard weaved fabric, ..)
Product Specifications = "xxxSpecs" (technical characteristics and properties of the product)
Operations requested 0 "XXXMnfrOperation" (details of the works requested)
Quantities, unit measures and prices must be referred to the third level (Line Item)
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G049
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Yarn subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Warping commission order
Document Warping commission order
Description warping commission order
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “WARPING COMMISSION ORDER”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce between Textile Subcontractors and their Customers shown in the enclosed diagram.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The Warping commission order is used by a Fabric Manufacturer to commit to a Subcontractor the warping of yarn

When the Issuer of the Commission requires different manufacturing operations in sequence to different Subcontractors, he can used this document not only as work order but also as a despatch order to send the semi-finished product to a successive Subcontractor
As a general rule, the warping commission order specifies only the manufacturing technology (if required) and the characteristics of the end product of each operation and specifies the components used to manufacture that product

It must be noted that this end product can be, in turn, a component for a successive manufacturing operation

The definition of any "manufacturing parameters" is left to the Subcontractor; sometimes however these parameters can be specified by the Issuer of the Commission itself, that can define machines and machine parameters in the Commission Order
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G022
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Fabric subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Warping Offer
Document Warping Offer
Description Offer from Subcontractor for the warping
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “WARPING OFFER”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce between Subcontractors and their Customers shown in the enclosed diagram
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The Offer is used by a Subcontractor to respond to the Request of a Fabric Manufacturer for the warping of a yarn.
The Offer is structured in four levels:
Macro-type of Work offered = document root (7 types of Request)
Product Family = document qualifier (type of product with reference to the manufacturing process; e.g.: combed yarn, jacquard weaved fabric, ..)
Product Specifications = "xxxSpecs" (technical characteristics and properties of the product)
Operations offered = "XXXMnfrOperation" (details of the works requested)
Quantities, unit measures and prices must be referred to the third level (Line Item)
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G059
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Fabric subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Warping Request
Document Warping Request
Description Request to Subcontractor for Warping
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document "WARPING REQUEST”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce between Subcontractors and their Customers shown in the enclosed diagram
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The Request is used by a Yarn Manufacturer to request from a Subcontractor an Offer for the warping.
The Request is structured in four levels:
Macro-type of Work Requested = document root (7 types of Request)
Product Family = document qualifier (type of product with reference to the manufacturing process; e.g.: combed yarn, jacquard weaved fabric, ..)
Product Specifications = "xxxSpecs" (technical characteristics and properties of the product)
Operations requested 0 "XXXMnfrOperation" (details of the works requested)
Quantities, unit measures and prices must be referred to the third level (Line Item)
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G051
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Fabric subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Weaving commission order
Document Weaving commission order
Description waeving commission order
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “WEAVING COMMISSION ORDER”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce between Textile Subcontractors and their Customers shown in the enclosed diagram.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The Weaving commission order is used by a Fabric Manufacturer to commit to a Subcontractor the weaving of yarn

When the Issuer of the Commission requires different manufacturing operations in sequence to different Subcontractors, he can used this document not only as work order but also as a despatch order to send the semi-finished product to a successive Subcontractor
As a general rule, the weaving commission order specifies only the manufacturing technology (if required) and the characteristics of the end product of each operation and specifies the components used to manufacture that product

It must be noted that this end product can be, in turn, a component for a successive manufacturing operation
The definition of any "manufacturing parameters" is left to the Subcontractor; sometimes however these parameters can be specified by the Issuer of the Commission itself, that can define machines and machine parameters in the Commission Order
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G023
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Fabric subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Weaving Offer
Document Weaving Offer
Description Offer from Subcontractor for the weaving
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “WEAVING OFFER”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce between Subcontractors and their Customers shown in the enclosed diagram
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The Offer is used by a Subcontractor to respond to the Request of a Fabric Manufacturer for the weaving of a yarn.
The Offer is structured in four levels:
Macro-type of Work offered = document root (7 types of Request)
Product Family = document qualifier (type of product with reference to the manufacturing process; e.g.: combed yarn, jacquard weaved fabric, ..)
Product Specifications = "xxxSpecs" (technical characteristics and properties of the product)
Operations offered = "XXXMnfrOperation" (details of the works requested)
Quantities, unit measures and prices must be referred to the third level (Line Item)
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G060
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Fabric subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Weaving Request
Document Weaving Request
Description Request to Subcontractor for Weaving
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document "WEAVING REQUEST”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce between Subcontractors and their Customers shown in the enclosed diagram
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The Request is used by a Yarn Manufacturer to request from a Subcontractor an Offer for the weaving.
The Request is structured in four levels:
Macro-type of Work Requested = document root (7 types of Request)
Product Family = document qualifier (type of product with reference to the manufacturing process; e.g.: combed yarn, jacquard weaved fabric, ..)
Product Specifications = "xxxSpecs" (technical characteristics and properties of the product)
Operations requested 0 "XXXMnfrOperation" (details of the works requested)
Quantities, unit measures and prices must be referred to the third level (Line Item)
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G052
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Fabric subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Yarn Despatch Advice
Document Yarn Despatch Advice
Description Advice for despatch of a yarn supply sent by the Producer or by the Subcontractor
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “YARN DESPATCH ADVISE”, providing all the instruction required for its use in any context of e-commerce between Yarn Producers (or Subcontractors) and their Clients.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The message is issued to anticipate the details the articles actually despatched. The same message can be used with the client for sale and with the subcontractor for working operation (eg. dyeing).

This document can be used:
- as a standard despatch advice
- as a pre-despatch notification of the goods that are to be despatched.
Each document item must correspond with a well defined fabric article (article + color); for each item is possible to reference the Order line that is delivered.
Credits This XML document has been realized with the support of TQR Consortium by Guido Cucchiara, PROGEMA - Gruppo SOI, supported by Thomas Imolesi and Arianna Brutti, XML-Lab (initiative of ENEA and Forum per la Tecnologia dell'Informazione). Other participants: Gustavo Cametti (Lanificio Piacenza), Massimo Perona (Domina srl), Piero De Sabbata e Piergiorgio Censoni (ENEA) The MODA-ML project is supported in the Fifth Framework programme by the European Commission in the IST initiative (IST Take Up Actions, action line 2.5) and is included in the cluster of projects about Agents and Middleware Technologies EUTIST-AMI (IST-2000-28221, More informations can be acquired in
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G016
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_Despatchofyarn
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Fabric subcontracted manufacturing  
  • Knitwear subcontracted manufacturing  
  • Yarn subcontracted manufacturing  
  • Yarn supply  

Document Yarn Despatch Request
Document Yarn Despatch Request
Description Request for despatching of yarn
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “YARN DESPATCH REQUEST”, providing all the instruction required for its use in any context of e-commerce between Fabric and Yarn Producers and their Subcontractors.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The message is issued to plan the delivery of the yarn articles that are in the "ready for despatch" status (see the document "Yarn Order Status").
This document enables the Buyer to modify some date of its Order (delivery dates and places)

This document can be used:
- as a standard despatch request
- as a despatch request that, at the same time, cancels a previous request referenced there in

Each document item must correspond with a well defined fabric article (article + color) and for each item is possible to reference the Order line that is delivered.
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G033
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Knitwear subcontracted manufacturing  
  • Yarn supply  

Document Yarn dyeing commission order
Document Yarn dyeing commission order
Description Dyeing commission order for a yarn
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “YARN DYEING COMMISSION ORDER”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce between Yarn Subcontractors and their Customers shown in the enclosed diagram
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The Yarn Dyeing commission order is used by a Yarn Manufacturer to commit to a Subcontractor the dyeing of yarn required to transform the material into yarn usable for fabric production. This work order can include one or several operations of the dyeing cycle.

When the Issuer of the Commission requires different manufacturing operations in sequence to different Subcontractors, he can used this document not only as work order but also as a despatch order to send the semi-finished product to a successive Subcontractor
As a general rule, the Yarn dyeing commission order specifies only the manufacturing technology (if required) and the characteristics of the end product of each operation and specifies the components used to manufacture that product

It must be noted that this end product can be, in turn, a component for a successive manufacturing operation

The definition of any "manufacturing parameters" is left to the Subcontractor; sometimes however these parameters can be specified by the Issuer of the Commission itself, that can define machines and machine parameters in the Commission Order
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G021
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_Subcontractingyarnmanufacturing
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Yarn subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Yarn Dyeing Offer
Document Yarn Dyeing Offer
Description Offer from Subcontractor for the dyeing of yarn
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “YARN DYEING OFFER”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce between Subcontractors and their Customers shown in the enclosed diagram
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The Offer is used by a Subcontractor to respond to the Request of a Yarn Manufacturer for the dyeing of a yarn.
The Offer is structured in four levels:
Macro-type of Work offered = document root (7 types of Request)
Product Family = document qualifier (type of product with reference to the manufacturing process; e.g.: combed yarn, jacquard weaved fabric, ..)
Product Specifications = "xxxSpecs" (technical characteristics and properties of the product)
Operations offered = "XXXMnfrOperation" (details of the works requested)
Quantities, unit measures and prices must be referred to the third level (Line Item)
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G058
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Yarn subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Yarn dyeing Order Change
Document Yarn dyeing Order Change
Description Change to the Dyeing commission Order for a yarn
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “YARN DYEING ORDER CHANGE”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce between Dyeing Subcontractors and their Customers shown in the enclosed diagram
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The Commissioner sends to the Subcontractor a Yarn dyeing Order Change any time he must modify some conditions of his previous Order (eg. to suspend operations already ordered) or amend errors.
Basic function of the message is to replace an invalid Order with a valid Order, amending:
- suppliable quantities
- dates and places of delivery
- prices
The Order Change can show a number of lines different from the related Purchase Order, when variations/cancellations have occurred so as to create the splitting of an Order Line.
However the sum of the quantities of the lines in the Order Change (confirmed + varied + cancelled) must alway equal the sum of the quantities in the original Order.
Credits GC
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G069
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Yarn subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Yarn dyeing Order Response
Document Yarn dyeing Order Response
Description Response to the Dyeing commission Order for a yarn
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “YARN DYEING ORDER RESPONSE”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce between Dyeing Subcontractors and their Customers shown in the enclosed diagram
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The message is issued by the Subcontractor in response to a yarn dyeing commission order.
The Subcontractor should return an Order Response for any Order received, where, for each item, he notifies the acceptance as it is (C), the variation (V) or the cancellation (A).
Basic function of the message is to notify acceptance or to request modifications or cancellations concerning:
1) suppliable quantities
2) dates and places of delivery
3) prices
The Order Response can show a number of lines different from the related Commission Order, when variations/cancellations have occurred so as to create the splitting of an Order Line.
However the sum of the quantities of the lines in the Order Response (accepted + varied + cancelled) must always equal the sum of the quantities in the Order.
Credits GC
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G068
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Yarn subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Yarn Dyeing Request
Document Yarn Dyeing Request
Description Request to Subcontractor for Dyeing of yarn
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document "YARN DYEING REQUEST”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce between Subcontractors and their Customers shown in the enclosed diagram
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The Request is used by a Yarn Manufacturer to request from a Subcontractor an Offer for the dyeing of a yarn.
The Request is structured in four levels:
Macro-type of Work Requested = document root (7 types of Request)
Product Family = document qualifier (type of product with reference to the manufacturing process; e.g.: combed yarn, jacquard weaved fabric, ..)
Product Specifications = "xxxSpecs" (technical characteristics and properties of the product)
Operations requested 0 "XXXMnfrOperation" (details of the works requested)
Quantities, unit measures and prices must be referred to the third level (Line Item)
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G050
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Yarn subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Yarn in work Inventory report
Document Yarn in work Inventory report
Description Inventory report of yarn in work
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “YARN IN WORK INVENTORY REPORT”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce in the Textile industry, as shown in the enclosed diagrams.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The present document can be used by a Subcontractor to inform his Client (Commission issuer), periodically or on demand, about the quantity of pre-works or in-work Yarn items (Client's property) stocked at the Subcontractor's premises.
This inventory may refer to all the goods of one Commission issuer or just to those related to one Commission order; item quantities may be subdivided by type of stock and physical location.
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G026
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Yarn subcontracted manufacturing  

Document Yarn Order Status Report
Document Yarn Order Status Report
Description Status report of a yarn order (indicate the foreseen delivery date)
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type "YARN ORDER STATUS REPORT”, providing all the instruction required for its use in any context of e-commerce between the Yarn Producers (or their Subcontractors) and their Customers.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The message is issued to report to the Client the status of his Orders and the updated dates of delivery, with the possibility of splitting the order line into several consignements.
The message may concern all the articles ordered (Type = H "historic"), all the articles ordered and not yet delivered (type = C "complete") or just the articles in the “ready for shipment” status (type = S "for shipping").
The status report can be given for each article or for each Order line.
Credits Tis XML document has been realized with the support of TQR Consortium by Guido Cucchiara, PROGEMA - Gruppo SOI, supported by Thomas Imolesi and Arianna Brutti, XML-Lab (initiative of ENEA and Forum per la Tecnologia dell'Informazione). Other participants: Gustavo Cametti (Lanificio Piacenza), Massimo Perona (Domina srl), Piero De Sabbata e Piergiorgio Censoni (ENEA) The MODA-ML project is supported in the Fifth Framework programme by the European Commission in the IST initiative (IST Take Up Actions, action line 2.5) and is included in the cluster of projects about Agents and Middleware Technologies EUTIST-AMI (IST-2000-28221, More informations can be acquired in
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G015
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_Purchaseofyarnproducts
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Yarn subcontracted manufacturing  
  • Yarn supply  

Document Yarn Purchase Order
Document Yarn Purchase Order
Description Purchase order of yarns
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “YARN PURCHASE ORDER”, providing all the instruction required for its use in any context of e-commerce between Yarn Producers and their Customers.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The Purchase Order is issued by a Fabric or Knittwear Producer to procure yarn.
Key elements of this type of Order, besides quantities and delivery dates, are
1- the yarn product code, showing article, color and additional coding
2- the technical and construction specifications of the yarn product and the possible specification of "special treatments"
3- the detailed specifications referring to packing and packaging
Credits Tis XML document has been realized with the support of TQR Consortium by Guido Cucchiara, PROGEMA - Gruppo SOI, supported by Thomas Imolesi and Arianna Brutti, XML-Lab (initiative of ENEA and Forum per la Tecnologia dell'Informazione). Other participants: Gustavo Cametti (Lanificio Piacenza), Massimo Perona (Domina srl), Piero De Sabbata e Piergiorgio Censoni (ENEA) The MODA-ML project is supported in the Fifth Framework programme by the European Commission in the IST initiative (IST Take Up Actions, action line 2.5) and is included in the cluster of projects about Agents and Middleware Technologies EUTIST-AMI (IST-2000-28221, More informations can be acquired in
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G014
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_Purchaseofyarnproducts
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Yarn supply  

Document Yarn Purchase Order Change
Document Yarn Purchase Order Change
Description Order Change sent to the Yarn Producer (Supplier)
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “YARN ORDER CHANGE”, providing all the instruction required for its use in any context of e-commerce between Fabric and Yarn Producers.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The Client sends to the Yarn Producer an Order Change any time he must modify some conditions of his previous Order (eg. to cancel items not delivered in time) or amend errors (eg. invalid prices).
Basic function of the message is to replace an invalid Order with a valid Order, amending:

- suppliable quantities
- dates and places of delivery
- prices

The Order Change can show a number of lines different from the related Purchase Order, when variations/cancellations have occurred so as to create the splitting of an Order Line.
However the sum of the quantities of the lines in the Order Change (confirmed + varied + cancelled) must alway equal the sum of the quantities in the original Order.
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G032
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Yarn supply  

Document Yarn Purchase Order Response
Document Yarn Purchase Order Response
Description Order Response sent by the Yarn Producer (Supplier)
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “YARN ORDER RESPONSE ”, providing all the instruction required for its use in any context of e-commerce between Fabric and Yarn Producers.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The message is issued by the Yarn Producer in response to a purchase order.
The Producer must, in any case, return an Order Response for any Order received, where, for each item, he notifies the acceptance as it is (C), the variation (V) or the cancellation (A).
Basic function of the message is to notify acceptance or to request modifications or cancellations concerning:
1) suppliable quantities
2) dates and places of delivery
3) prices
The Order Response can show a number of lines different from the related Purchase Order, when variations/cancellations have occurred so as to create the splitting of an Order Line.
However the sum of the quantities of the lines in the Order Response (accepted + varied + cancelled) must always equal the sum of the quantities in the Order.
Credits GCf
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G031
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Yarn supply  

Document Yarn Twisting Commission Order
Document Yarn Twisting Commission Order
Description Twisting Commission Order for a yarn
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “TWISTING COMMISSION ORDER”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce between Yarn Subcontractors and their Customers shown in the enclosed diagram.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The Twisting Commission Order is used by a Yarn Manufacturer to commit to a Subcontractor the twisting of yarn required to transform the material into yarn usable for fabric production. This work Order can include one or several operations of the twisting cycle.

When the Issuer of the Commission requires different manufacturing operations in sequence to different Subcontractors, he can used this document not only as work order but also as a despatch order to send the semi-finished product to a successive Subcontractor
As a general rule, the Twisting Commission Order specifies only the manufacturing technology (if required) and the characteristics of the end product of each operation and specifies the components used to manufacture that product

It must be noted that this end product can be, in turn, a component for a successive manufacturing operation

The definition of any "manufacturing parameters" is left to the Subcontractor; sometimes however these parameters can be specified by the Issuer of the Commission itself, that can define machines and machine parameters in the Commission Order
Credits This XML document has been realized with the funding of the Project REX-WEAVE by Guido Cucchiara, PROGEMA - Gruppo SOI, supported by the XML-Lab (initiative of ENEA and Forum per la Tecnologia dell'Informazione). More informations can be acquired in
Back compatibility Compatible
Document Code G020
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_Subcontractingyarnmanufacturing
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Yarn subcontracted manufacturing