Activity 1 - Selection of fabrics
Activity Selection of fabrics
Description Activity of selection of the fabrics that the Clothing Producer (or any other User) insert in its Collection (includes the exchange of the products codes, the technical sheets, the anticipation or the forecast about articles to be purcased)
Preconditions The Clothing Producer must select and reserve the fabric articles to employ in its apparel collection
Activity transactions
Action description
Sender, Receiver
1 - Textile Catalogue This document is usable both as a sales catalogue and to exchange in advance the product data between the Supplier and the Customer, in order to synchronize their product data-bases. It lists the articles composing the Fabric Producer's offer (codes, descriptions, prices and sales conditions) and can include some of the technical data (composition, weight and width, construction specifications, …).
 + [Full record]  
-Fabric Producer
-Apparel Producer
[XML Schema]
2 - Fabric Technical Sheet This document is used to provide the Customer (Buyer) with the technical data relevant to describe and characterize the fabric article; i.e.: general data, costruction details, measurements of color fastness, dimensional stability and mechanical properties.
 + [Full record]  
-Fabric Producer
-Apparel Producer
[XML Schema]
3 - Textile Collection Forecast This document is used to notify to the Fabric Producer the articles of his Offer that are considered for future acquisition or use in the Apparel Season Collection. The same document can also be used by the Client to request the Fabric Technical Sheet and/or notify the buyer’s article code to the Producer.
 + [Full record]  
-Apparel Producer
-Fabric Producer
[XML Schema]
Postconditions The Textile producer knows in advance the fabric articles of its catalogue that will be put into production
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_Selectionoffabrics
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