XML structures of eBIZ/TC Upstream documents (2013-1)

Introduction to the XML document template

The structure of the XML documents is the very prescriptive part of the eBIZ/TC Upstream framework: using the eBIZ/TC Upstream documents, the prescriptions must be completely respected about structure of the documents, names and coding, optionality or mandatory use of elements, meaning of each element.
Otherwise the documents could be not validable with the XML Schema (that are the only way to check the formal compliance of the documents) or could generate misunderstandings about the meaning of the message on the side of your partners.
The allowable customisations are about the use or not of a document or about the elements of the document that are declared 'optional'; they can be used to simplify the documents (not all the elements are always necessary).

The (template of) eBIZ/TC Upstream documents of each release are on www.ebiz.enea.it or www.moda-ml.org and are represented by:

release 10/10/2013

Document Yarn Twisting Commission Order
Document Yarn Twisting Commission Order
Description Twisting Commission Order for a yarn
Release date 18/11/2011
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “TWISTING COMMISSION ORDER”, providing all the instruction required for its use in the context of e-commerce between Yarn Subcontractors and their Customers shown in the enclosed diagram.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The Twisting Commission Order is used by a Yarn Producer to commit to a Subcontractor the twisting of yarn required to transform the material into yarn usable for fabric production. This work Order can include one or several operations of the twisting cycle.

When the Issuer of the Commission requires different manufacturing operations in sequence to different Subcontractors, he can used this document not only as work order but also as a despatch order to send the semi-finished product to a successive Subcontractor
As a general rule, the Twisting Commission Order specifies only the manufacturing technology (if required) and the characteristics of the end product of each operation and specifies the components used to manufacture that product

It must be noted that this end product can be, in turn, a component for a successive manufacturing operation

The definition of any "manufacturing parameters" is left to the Subcontractor; sometimes however these parameters can be specified by the Issuer of the Commission itself, that can define machines and machine parameters in the Commission Order
Credits This XML document has been realized with the funding of the Project REX-WEAVE by Guido Cucchiara, PROGEMA - Gruppo SOI, supported by the XML-Lab (initiative of ENEA and Forum per la Tecnologia dell'Informazione). More informations can be acquired in http://www.moda-ml.org.
Back compatibility Unchanged
Document Code G020
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_Subcontractedyarntwisting
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
Used in Processes
  • Yarn subcontracted manufacturing