Introduction to the current version of eBIZ/TC Upstream (2013-1)

Version management in eBIZ/TC Upstream

The official versions of eBIZ/TC Upstream (named with the year and a number, ex. '2004-1') after the release are public and cannot modified; they are available on-line and can be used also after the release of the further versions.
A version is made of:

The current official version (click here) should be always used as the reference.

The Draft version (click here) , differently, is a working version, accessible to the workgroup and to the focus group members (in the final phases also registered users can access them) and is under published for comments. It can be modified many times before the release of an official version.
Comments are welcome on all the versions (the last official and the draft ones): the comments must be addressed to the staff (click HERE).

These documents and software can be freely downloaded and used, they cannot be sold but you can embed them in your products and commercial solution (you must only inform that they are present and developed by the eBIZ initiative).

XML documents and software of draft version can be freely downloaded and used;
WARNING, before to embed them into products and commercial packages be aware that they could exist only temporarily and not being included in the next official version.

Moda-ML, 2013-1 version
Version 2013-1 version
Release date 10/10/2013

THIS VERSION is the 2013-1, consistent with eBiz 2013-1

Version 2013-1
Remarkable up-grades

In this new release three upgrades are worth notice:

  • 1- The revised and extended Data Model of Yarn
  • 2- The association of RFID devices to products and transport packages
  • 3- The refitting of the Textiles Invoice to the requirements of international commerce

The revised and extended Data Model of Yarn

  • This extended set of data, usable to specify technical and commercial data of yarn in catalogues and orders, includes
    Identity data the data that univocally identify the article and any classification or commercial information
  • Manufacturing data
    the data that specify the manufacturing and dyeing characteristics
  • Quality data
    the data that represent the quality (or faultiness) of the product and measure the quality variation that can occur between production batches due to the degradation of machines and other falls in the spinning cycle.
    A set of data elements for the transmission of CIE-Lab colorimetric data is also foreseen.

The association of RFID devices to products and transport packages

The tagging of articles and transport packages with RFID technology ( both with GS1 and with company codes ) can now be reported in all the Moda-ML documents, and reference to the serial number wired into the chips can be made.

The refitting of the Textiles Invoice to the requirements of international commerce

A new base of data has been developed to deal with VAT description in all cases and in all countries, by introducing separate elements for the actual tax rate, the tax scheme and the tax category. This set of data has been added in the line of each document concerning Purchase Orders and Work Orders.

Document General Purpose Request Updated

This document has been heavily updated in order to facilitate the restriction of the (products) object of the request and to use it to ask for a larger set of documents.

Element Note has been updated

The use of Note element has been increased in all the documents, both for cardinality as well as for use of structured contents (couple label - value agreed between the parties). It is to be noticed that the note element should be avoided if not strictly necessary and never should be used instead of already existing and structured elements.