Activity 1 - Fashion commission inhouse and invoicing
Activity Fashion commission inhouse and invoicing (New or updated)
Description Activity of managing the closure of the fashion commission (it deals with a final fashion product or its component)
Preconditions The finish of the fashion commissioned operations have been notified by the Sub-contractor or are otherwise known
Activity transactions
Action description
Sender, Receiver
1 - Fashion Despatch Advice
Advice for despatch of fashion products or components (previously called Garment Despatch Advice)
Request of 'Fashion Receiving Advice'
 + [Full record]  
-Fashion Subcontractor
-Fashion producer
[XML Schema]

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2 - Fashion Receiving Advice
Receiving Advise of the goods received upon purchase or for commissioned works
 + [Full record]  
-Fashion producer
-Fashion Subcontractor
[XML Schema]

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3 - Textile Invoice
Invoice used to debit supplies and works or miscellaneous services in the Textile-Clothing industry. It can be also used to credit amounts.
 + [Full record]  
-Fashion Subcontractor
-Fashion producer
[XML Schema]

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Postconditions The fashion commissioned order is closed
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_FashionCommissioninhouseandinvoicing