Activity 1 - Despatching instructions from eService
Activity Despatching instructions from eService (New or updated)
Description Shipping instructions from eService to the fashion product manufacturer (OPTIONAL: dependent on agreement between manufacturer and eService)
Preconditions purchase is happened
Activity transactions
Action description
Sender, Receiver
1 - Fashion Despatch Request
Request for despatch of fashion product or component; allows to specificy destination and delivery date (previously called Garment Despatch Request)
Request of 'Fashion Despatch Advice'
 + [Full record]  
-Fashion producer
-e-Service Manager
[XML Schema]

[Compare version]
2 - Fashion Despatch Advice
Advice for despatch of fashion products or components (previously called Garment Despatch Advice)
 + [Full record]  
-e-Service Manager
-Fashion producer
[XML Schema]

[Compare version]
Postconditions Producer is informed of data of the customer and received despatching instructions
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_DespatchinginstructionsfromeService