1 - Overview 2 - Processes 3 - Documents 4 - Transactions 5 - Resources 6 - Decoding tables 7 - Dictionary 8 - Atlas Printable version

Reference Collaborative Processes in eBIZ/TC Upstream (2018-1)

release 5/11/2018

Process 1 - Subcontracted fashion manufacturing
Process Subcontracted fashion manufacturing
Description Subcontracted production of the fashion good. The main role is the Apparel Producer that subcontracts one or more phases of the production to a Subcontractor
Process activities
Process activities
Activity transactions Diagrams
1 - Master Data transmission
(New or updated)
Activity by which a Apparel Producer sends technical information to a Subcontractor about a product that he will receive for working or that he will obtain from its activity.
 + [Full record]  
  +      Diagramm A_MasterDatatransmission
2 - Subcontracted fashion manufacturing
(New or updated)
Activity of assignment and negotiation of a commission for the production of fashion products or their components
 + [Full record]  
  +      Diagramm A_Subcontractedfashionmanufacturing
3 - Fashion commission order status
(New or updated)
Activity of notifying the Commissioner about the advancement of the fashion commission order placed to a Sub-contractor
 + [Full record]  
  +      Diagramm A_Fashioncommissionorderstatus
4 - Fashion commission inhouse and invoicing
(New or updated)
Activity of managing the closure of the fashion commission (it deals with a final fashion product or its component)
 + [Full record]  
  +      Diagramm A_FashionCommissioninhouseandinvoicing
Functions/Actors involved
  • Fashion producer
    Company or company function that produce fashion products (garments, accessories, footwear,…); its industrial process has in input materials and in output final fashion goods for the final customers. Is supplier of the Sales organisation.
  • Fashion Subcontractor
    Sub-contracting company (or company function) that hires job to the Fashion producer (for example cutting/sewing operations, but also dying).