Reference Collaborative Processes in eBIZ/TC Upstream (2018-1)

Introduction to the Reference collaborative processes (ebBP)

The representation of the inter-company collaborative processes is a result of eBIZ/TC Upstream.
In fact, sharing a common representation of the collaborative process (a scenario) and of its activities and messages to be exchanged, simplifies the setup of the collaboration and reduces misalignments and misunderstanding.
Its representation can be codified with an XML document (a ebBP, according with the ebXML terminology)

The reference collaboration processes are described (as images and as Business Process Specification Schemas) for some common typologies of the textile Clothing supply chain; starting from these representations the firms and their technology suppliers will be able to decide to implement them completely or partially, or to create new variants more taylord to their needs.

release 5/11/2018

Process 1 - Subcontracted yarn manufacturing
Process Subcontracted yarn manufacturing
Description Yarn production process commissioned to subcontractors; the process starts from raw material and produces finished yarns. The Yarn Producer function commissions to specialised Subcontractors some value-added operations of the manufacturing cycle because of specific know-how or scale economies. In this process 3 events are foundamental: the issue of the commission order, the swap of the material, the reporting of the order progress.
Process activities
Process activities
Activity transactions Diagrams
1 - Subcontracted dyeing of raw material
Activity of commissioning to a Subcontrctor the dyeing of raw material.
  +      Diagramm A_Subcontracteddyeingofrawmaterial
2 - Subcontracted spinning of raw material
Activity of commissioning to a Subcontractor the spinning of raw material.
  +      Diagramm A_Subcontractedspinningofrawmaterial
3 - Subcontracted yarn twisting
Activity of commissioning to a Subcontractor the twisting of yarn.
  +      Diagramm A_Subcontractedyarntwisting
4 - Subcontracted yarn dyeing
Activity of commissioning to a Subcontrctor the dyeing of yarn
  +      Diagramm A_Subcontractedyarndyeing
Functions/Actors involved
  • Dyeing/Finishing Subcontractor
    Sub-contracting company (or company function) that hires job to the Fabric Producer or the Apparel Producer for dying/finishing operations (it is a kind of Subcontractor for both).
  • Yarn Producer
    Company or company function that produces yarns from raw material; has mainly Fabric and Knitwear producers as customers (clothing producers sometimes).
  • Yarn Subcontractor
    Sub-contracting company (or company function) of the Yarn supplier; he perform some phasis of the yarn production process on behalf of the Yarn Supplier.