Decoding tables values in eBIZ/TC Upstream (2018-1)

release 5/11/2018

Tabella 1 - NT7
Tabella NT7
Description unit of measure
Generalities specification of the unit of measure, it is a sub set of table Unit of Measure Code - UN/ECE REC 20 delivered by United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE)
Code List Agency Name eBIZ / UN/ECE
Code List VersionID 2018-1
Code List URI
Other External Reference URL
Table values
Table values Adoption note
CMK square centimetre
CMQ cubic centimetre
CMT centimetre
CNE centiNewton
CO2TON ton of CO2
COUPLES couples
DMQ cubic decimetre
E37 pixel
GRM gram
HUR hour
INH inch
KGM kilogram
KMT kilometer
KWH kilowatthours
LBR pound
MIN minute
MMK square millimetre
MTK square metre
MTQ cubic metre
MTR metre
NMB numero
ONZ ounce
P1 percent
PPM parts per milion
PZ piece
RPM rounds per metre
YRD yard
Elements using the table
um specification of the unit of measure [XML dictionary]: um