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Decoding tables values in eBIZ/TC Upstream (Draft)

release 28/giu/2024

Tabella 1 - NT322
Tabella NT322
Description input material function
Generalities It is used in PEF to distinguish input materials based on their function: process materials distinct from those for packaging or auxiliaries (e.g. to lubricate or clean machines)
Code List Agency Name eBIZ for TRICK
Code List VersionID Draft
Code List URI http://www.ebiz.enea.it/moda-ml/repository/codelist/Draft/gc_NT322.xml
Table values
Table values Adoption note
AUX auxiliary input material (es. lubricating oil)
PACK1 first level packaging material (example envelope of the t-shirt)
PACK2 second level packaging material (example box with many t-shirts)
PACK3 third level packaging material (example pallet with many box)
PROC process input material
WAST waste material
WAWA waste water
Elements using the table
materialCategory input material category [XML dictionary]: materialCategory

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