XML structures of eBIZ/TC Upstream documents (Draft)

release 28/giu/2024

Document Textile Collection Forecast
Document Textile Collection Forecast
Description Document used by the Apparel Producer to inform the Fabric Producer about the articles of his interest or expected supply and foreseen volumes of production (no details on colours and variants)
Release date 05/11/2018
The present guide has been issued to assist the companies of the Textile-Clothing sector in the implementation of the standard XML document type “Textile COLLECTION FORECAST”, providing all the instruction required for its use in any context of e-commerce between Apparel Producers and Fabric Producers.
All the rules required for the construction and validation of the document are embedded into the specific XML-Schema, which is detailed in section "Implementation guide".
The document "Textile Collection Forecast" is used to notify to the Fabric Producerr the articles of his Offer that are considered for future acquisition or use in the Season Collection. The same document can also be used by the Client to request the Fabric Technical Sheet and/or notify his article code to the Producer.
Each article notified must be identified at SKU level by the Supplier's code. An estimated quantity can be supplied only for information.

In some business scenarios this message may be used to notify the Textile Controller about the fabric artcles he will inspect in the season
Credits The first version of this XML document was made in the framework of MODA-ML project by Guido Cucchiara, PROGEMA - Gruppo SOI, supported by Thomas Imolesi and Arianna Brutti, XML-Lab (initiative of ENEA and Forum per la Tecnologia dell'Informazione). Other participants: Alessandro Barberis Canonico (Lanificio Vitale Barberis Canonico), Albino Botto Poala (Lanificio Successori Reda), Gustavo Cametti (Lanificio Piacenza), Massimo Perona (Domina srl), Piero De Sabbata e Piergiorgio Censoni (ENEA) Gianfranco Irico (Lanificio Loro Piana), Luca Mainetti (Politecnico di Milano, Hypermedia Open center), Federico Tamburini e Ivano Begnozzi (Fratelli Corneliani). Subsequent developments in this document have been financed by the TQR consortium, partly self-financed by the partners and the eBIZ 4.0 project More information can be acquired in http://www.ebiz.enea.it.
Back compatibility Unchanged
Document Code G010
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_Selectionoffabrics
Resources [Guide]
[XML Schema]
[JSON Schema]
Used in Processes