Moda-ML BPSS and CPP

(Report on Moda-ML results 2003, not updated to the following outcomes)


The representation of the inter-company collaborative processes is a result of Moda-ML.
In fact, sharing a common representation of the collaborative process (a scenario) and of its activities and messages to be exchanged, simplifies the setup of the collaboration and reduces misalignments and misunderstanding.
Its representation can be codified with an XML document (a BPSS, according with the ebXML terminology).

In MODA-ML the description of the processes is essentially offered through the on-line documentation of the WEB site.

A BPSS document is a further support to describe each process.

From the 2003-1 version, characterised by the presence of business collaboration only of bynary type, had been delivered versions in Italian and English languages.

English language:
v2003-1_Fabricsupply.xml (BPSS of the fabric supply process, 2003-1 version)
v2003-1_Fabricproduction.xml (BPSS of the fabric production process, 2003-1 version)

Italian language:
v2003-1_Fornituratessuti.xml (BPSS of the fabric supply process, 2003-1 version)
v2003-1_Produzionetessuto.xml (BPSS of the fabric production process, 2003-1 version)

BPSS related to the 2004-1 version are being developed.

Note: representations in different languages of the same process does not affect the structure of the processes.


The CPP (Collaboration Profile Protocol) specifications allow the company to declare how they intend to participate the process described in the BPSS.

An example of CPP (Collaboration Profile Protocol), built according with ebXML specifications (the process description only) and referred to the MODA-ML BPSS can be downloaded with a click HERE (IT1234567890_noDOE.xml).

PDF - ebXML specifications ebBPSS
PDF - ebXML specifications ebcpp-2.0
WEB - samples of BPSS of MODA-ML
XML - sample of CPP of MODA-ML
DOC - paper about CPP and BPSS in Moda-ML