TexSpin's results

TEXSPIN Workshop was based on the contribution, in terms of technology, experience and know-how of the parallel TEXSPIN project (developing of EDITEX messages compliant with EANCOM and XML/EDI pilot experiences based on new XML messages) and of two projects realized in Italy (MODA-ML, upstream part of the supply chain, from raw materials to clothing manufacture, IST european financing) and in France (eTeXML, downstream part of the supply chain, from clothing manufacture to distribution, french national financing).

Its aim was to define a common framework for data interchange of the T/C sector at a european level.

The results of the TEXSPIN project were validated by the workshop and produced a CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA), in the form of a "Best Practice" regarding:

  • validation of the new framework of XML documents derived from EDITEX (XML/EDITEX)
  • requirements and architecture of a collaborative framework based on XML messages
  • guidelines for framework implementation

More in details, the CWA defines two sets of XML documents for the B2B information exchange:

a) a set of XML documents for the side of the supply chain dealing with production, from Moda-ML (v2003-1)

Process: Fabric supplying


Activity:   Fabric selection


Textile Catalogue

The (price) list of products offered for sale.

Textile -> Clothing


Fabric Technical Sheet

The technical characteristics and properties of the fabric article

Textile -> Clothing


Textile Advance Notice

The anticipation of articles included in the Clothing Manufacture's collection and of foressen volumes of production that clothing manufacturer will request (no detail on colours and variant)

Textile -> Clothing



Activity:  Purchase Fabric


Textiles purchase order

The order placed by the Clothing Manufacturer

Textile -> Clothing


Textiles Order response

The response provided by the Fabric Supplier

Textile -> Clothing


Textiles Order change

The order change initiated by the Clothing Manufacturer

Textile -> Clothing


Textiles Order status report

The status of the fabric order reported by the the Supplier

Textile -> Clothing



Activity:  Dispatch fabric


Textiles Despatch request

The request/scheduling of the despatch of parcels made by the Clothing Manufacturer

Textile -> Clothing


Textiles Despatch advice

The anticipation of the despatch of the parcels by the Supplier

Textile -> Clothing


Textiles Quality Report

The report of the defaults and non-conformities of the goods, as provided by the Supplier or by an Indipendent Quality Controller

Textile -> Clothing



Invoice for the supplied material

Textile -> Clothing


Process: Fabric production


ActivitySubcontracting fabric darning


Textiles darn order

The specification of the darning operation required for each piece; includes allowed worktime, position and type of faults; it could contain or refer to a despatch advice.

Textiles -> Darning


Textile Despatch advice*

The anticipation of the daspatch of the parcels by the Supplier

Textiles -> Darning and viceversa


Textile darn return

The returning information about the darning operations; include the worktime spent, the position and type of faults and the associated information about the position, the initial status, the worktime and the final status.

Textiles -> Darning


* the same despatch advice of the ring textile supplier\clothing manufacturer

b) a set of XML documents for the final part of the supply chain, dealing with retail, derived from the ETEXML experience:


Process: Garment sales


Activity:  Garment sales


Product Catalogue

The product catalogue (characterisation of the product)

Clothing - > Retail


The (price) list of products offered for sale

Clothing - > Retail

Purchase order

The order placed TO the Clothing Manufacturer

Clothing <- Retail

Dispatch advice

The anticipation of the dispatch by the Supplier

Clothing - > Retail


The invoice

Clothing - > Retail

Sales report

Report of sales to the supplier

Clothing <- Retail

Final document approved (CWA 14948).

LINKs & downloads

Doc - The final document (Cen Workshop Agreement, 14948) of TEX.SPIN
Doc - TEX.SPIN results in details