Interviews: Andreas and Christian Buedel of Peter Buedel GmbH, producer of accessories for clothing,
Romain Vendier and Jean-Francois Birac of Blanc des Vosges, producer of top quality home linen collections
Francis Jakob of Schaeffer Productique, manager of ECOLTEX platform and eBIZ 4.0 partner
eBIZ, interview: Leonardo Mangili, Cotonificio Albini, top quality cotton fabric producer, tells his experience of eBIZ adoption and the benefits obtained thank to eBIZ. (Italian).
eBIZ, interview: Davide Di Battista, of Rammendatura Borgosesia, fabric darning SME, tells his experience in the relationships with his customers (fabric manufacturers). (Italian)
October 2013: Interviews about eBIZ usage
eBIZ, interview: Cristiana Cariaggi, Lanificio Cariaggi, cachemire yarns producer, tells her experience of eBIZ adoption and the benefits obtained thank to eBIZ in the collaborative planning with their subcontractors. (Italian).
eBIZ, interview: Alessandro Canepa, Lanificio Piacenza cachemire, fabric producer, tells his experience in the relationships with both subcontractors (quality control) and customers (clothing manufacturers). (Italian)
eBIZ, interview: Roberto Ciliesa, Domina srl, software house, tells how eBIZ adoption facilitate the activity of the IT solution providers in supplying more powerful and cost effective solution to the textile-clothing industry. (Italian)
eBIZ benefits Presentation (Italian) "eBIZ: i benefici raccontati dalle aziende"
eBIZ: benefits Presentation (Italian, French subtitles)
"eBIZ, tèmoignages des avantages en rèponse aux besoins IT du marchè de la mode" reduced version