After the conclusion of eBIZ-TCF, eBIZ became a permament initiative and launched a standardisation activity with CEN (European Committee for Standardisation): CEN WS eBIZ
The experience of adoption of eBIZ/Moda-ML for yarn production of 'Consorzio per la progettazione e lo sviluppo aziendale di un sistema evoluto di cooperazione della filiera laniera', centered on Cariaggi.
Data exchange between fabric mill, garment producer and quality checker in the experience of INCO (Zegna Group), Lanificio Piacenza and Tessilcontrol in the framework of the Leapfrog European project
Slides on Slideshare "Short presentation of the eBIZ reference architecture: vision and features, the direction of next steps"
Presented in Frankfurt at eBIZ Fashion Forum, organised by GCS, ENEA and Euratex
19th September 2018