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+GAS progetto

Sistema di accumulo energetico per convertire i picchi di energia da fonte rinnovabile con l’utilizzo di idrogeno per produrre biometano da dedicare all’autotrazione


Italy: Sapio promotes sustainable mobility and transition to bio-LNG
Since 1922, SAPIO has been producing and selling compressed and cryogenic gases, and currently provides its experience and know-how on all the steps of the process, from designing plants for refining biogas into liquid biomethane to the distribution of the product on the market in the automotive sector, including building filling stations and delivering the product by dedicated.So
Since 1922, SAPIO has been producing and selling compressed and cryogenic gases, and currently provides its experience and know-how on all the steps of the process, from designing plants for refining biogas into liquid biomethane to the distribution of the product on the market in the automotive sector, including building filling stations and delivering the product by dedicated.

Source: NJV Journal
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