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Dati del documento - DI411-008

Abstract italiano: Presentation of Demonstrator of LeapFrog IP (Tessil Control, Piacenza and Zegna) in Biella (26-6-2009): leapfrog IP Tools (cp-net, MSH2, communication requirements
Abstract inglese (opzionale): Presentation of Demonstrator of LeapFrog IP (Tessil Control, Piacenza and Zegna) in Biella (26-6-2009): leapfrog IP Tools (cp-net, MSH2, communication requirements
Data upload ultima modifica: 26/06/2009
File del documento: DI411-008-v1-LeapfrogIP - Strumenti scambio dati - Biella 24-6-2009 (novelli).ppt (523264 bytes)
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