Results of the project at July 2003 (end of IST contract and of the TexSpin contract)

(updated July 2003)

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MODA-ML: XML messages to exchange information of the textile/clothing sector are available

Final results of the MODA-ML and TexSpin projects are available:
Moda-ML developed a first version, 2002-2, successively these results have been updated within the TexSpon project in order to be compliant with the international frameworks and produced the version 2003-1 (July 2003);
these results can be freely accessed by those firms in the Textile/Clothing sector which are interested in carrying out analyses and experimentation to improve their capabilities to interact with the information systems of clients and suppliers.

Project Activities

MODA-ML activities focused on the analysis of the most important (actual or potential) exchanges of technical, administrative or management information among producers of textiles and clothing manufacturers.  A protocol of electronic exchange has been created based on the following:

  • standardisation of a number of co-operation models among firms
  • a set of XML documents necessary to represent data used in international processes
  • a front-end demonstration software to forward and receive XML documents based on the electronic protocol which is compatible with the ebXML (MSH) specifications
  • a demonstration software to assist in the creation of testing messages (MCM)
  • development and easy maintenance methodology for "families" of XML exchange documents.

To achieve this result, the technical group (ENEA, Politecnico di Milano, Gruppo SOI, Domina, Institut Francais Textile-Habillement) and the MODA-ML test users (the wool mills Fratelli Piacenza, Loro Piana, Successori Reda, Vitale Barberis Canonico and the clothing manufacturer Fratelli Corneliani) have exploited their professional know-how and the previous analyses applied in the Textile/Clothing sector at European level of EDITEX specifications (based on EDIFACT technology).

Their significant know-how which was used as the basis for the modelled processes of co-operation among firms was then integrated with new transactions (such as those for the transmissions of data concerning the map of defects of fabrics) and reviewed in the light of the increased flexibility of XML and the Internet and the need to overcome the well-known EDI technology limitations.

Finally, through the "focus group" of users, the project benefited by the cooperation of firms in the sector, suppliers of software application packages and the Sistema Moda Italia and ATI associations which have contributed to validate the results.

Currently, the MODA-ML test users are experimenting and analysing the most suitable solutions to integrate the MODA-ML results with their own company systems.



MODA-ML is the initiative, at European level, that has developed standardised XML solutions specifically addressing the relationships between textile suppliers and clothing manufacturers. Furthermore, the co-operation with the French project eTeXML was strengthened: its focus is on the relationships between the Manufacturing industry and the Distribution network and is aimed at creating documents compatible with the EAN specification for B2B exchanges.

MODA-ML therefore decided to stop developing other messages of their own (in addition to the one already available) addressed to the Distribution sector but focus instead on the synergy with the French project in order to provide the results of both projects to the firms of this sector.

In particular, the CEN/ISSS (the European body establishing standard requirements for the information technologies, launched a workshop called Tex.Spin, started in July 2002 and ended in July 2003, focused on the creation of a pre-normative platform for the exchange of XML messages specific to the Textile/Clothing industry.   This initiative was promoted by Euratex (the European association comprising all the industrial association of this sector) with a significant contribution from MODA-ML and eTeXML; it aimed at creating documents for the entire sector and to establish a shared basis and, as far as possible, compatible with the ebXML specifications ( , UN/CEFACT has not finalized it yet; CEFACT is the UN organization regulating the electronic trade,

Although the Moda-ML contract with the European Commission ended at April 2003, the technical group of the project remains active and prepares new activities thanks to new resources: the project is ended but the activities still continue.

After the conclusion of the EU contract, the technical group of Moda-ML realised a the study about YARN supplying process and some kind of subcontracting (Dyeing, etc).

Availability/Access to Results

It is well known that MODA-ML results can be freely used by firms and suppliers of technology of the Textile/Clothing sector as they become public on the WEB.  The documents are available at the ( click here for details ) WEB site.

Modelled Processes and XML Documents

In accordance with the ebXML approach, the textile supply Process has been represented by Activities and, within each of these, the individual Transactions (XML documents) required for their processing can be identified. This modelling has a merely indication value and it is used by firms to represent possible exchanges with their partners. However, it is also possible for individual firms to establish mutual agreements to implement different or partial sequences.

MODA-ML 2003-1 specifications

Compare with the previous versions

List of all the changes between version 2002-1 and the version 2002-2 (italian only)
The list contains the changes in the elements of all the documents and regards changes in naming, lenght, description, etc.

Click here (57K)

Compare with the previous version

List of all the changes between version 2002-2 and the new version 2003-1 (italian only)
The list contains the changes in the elements of all the documents and regards changes in naming, lenght, description, etc.

Click here (35K)

Testing Documents and Demonstration Software

Testing and examination of MODA-ML documents is possible for:

  • contents of XML documents using the User Guides to view the organisation and use of individual XML messages (a number of XML sample files can be downloaded and viewed through any Internet Browser (with specific XSL style sheets). The XML Schemas will allow the user to check the contents of the files.
  • forwarding and receipt of documents. The MCM demonstration software allows to create certain types of documents by manual input of data (alternatively, samples of XML files might be downloaded and then edited with a text editor).
    The MSH is a front-end application which will manage the forwarding and mailing of messages based on email protocol.

The demonstrative software:

  • MSH, Message Service Handler has been developed and distributed to pilot users and focus group participants; a "setup" program has been prepared to facilitate the installation; it is an application that exchange messages made and formatted according to the rules defined in MODA-ML framework in a secure, reliable way and as automated as possible.
  • MCM, Message Content Manager has been developed and distributed to pilot users and focus group participants; in the demo environment of MODA-ML to send a message the information flow starts in MCM, passes through MSH and then by the mail server.
  • Moda-ML Security library is the module dedicated to the security aspects of the message exchange and, in the present version, implements the XML Signature.